I'm Not Ready

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"We got this......and we will ROCK IT!!!!" I yelled with victory pumping my fist into the air. I looked at Peter,expecting a look of victory but he was looking away.

I turned around only to see everyone staring at me wierdly. "What?" I told everyone with a death glare. They all looked away.

"Y-you could've said that a little more quiet." Peter whispered. "Why?" I asked. Peter than gave me his famous 'are you kidding me look'. "Why? Oh well maybe because we are IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY!!" He yelled at me,and once again everyone stared. "Do I have to give y'all my death glare again!" I shouted.

The bell then ringed and everyone scurried to their classrooms. Peter picked up our poster from the ground and walked by my side.

"Hey...I've been meaning to ask you....Why isn't Gwen with you?" He asked and I scoffed. "She's just been too jealous since we started talking."

That was the truth. I forgot about our weekly study hangout since I found Peter that night. She called me the next night,asking why I was talking to Peter in the hallways or why I missed our hangout because I was with Peter. She thinks that......well I don't know what exactly. Maybe she thinks we are dating even after Peter had told her about a date. So she hasn't called or texted me.

I honestly don't have time to deal with her. She overreacted. It has only been three days. Besides, I had to focus on the project and now that I know about Peter being my brother...I want to help him. I will bring justice to Uncle Ben and I will have better understanding of my abilities.

"But,have you told her why you are talking to me?" He asked. I didn't look up at him to answer. "No. I haven't." I said coldly. "Why not?" He pushed. I stepped in front of Peter and stood tall. "Because it does not matter what reason it is, she shouldn't be acting like that." I growled,anger boiling inside me.

"Now come on, we are gonna be late." I turned away from him and kept walking. "We've been texting." He said. I turned sharply and furrowed my brows. "What!"

Peter stared down at the floor and I noticed his cheeks were a bright pink. "Umm yeah but what I'm trying to say is that...I don't think she's mad at you for hanging out with me cause she hasn't even mentioned it." He said.

I gasped. "For reals!? B-bu-but....she got mad when I said I was with you......so...argh!!!" I then kicked a locker,creating a big,deep dent on the lockers door and I yelped at the sight. "Oh.........shoot!" I whisper yelled.

"Shoot,shoot!" My voice now getting louder. "Oouu.That looks bad." Peter said. I shot him my death glare. "You think!?" I exclaimed with a crack.

"See this is exactly what I was talking about!! I can't let this be happening. I need to control it." My reasons were speeding out of my mouth until finally Peter grabbed my shoulders. "Hey,stay calm. I told you I was gonna help you." He reminded. "Mhmm.Well......how are you gonna help me with that?! What do we do!?" I don't know what made me look around,noticing that the hallways were emptied while me and Peter talked.

Thank god. No witnesses.

"We are going toooooo......run or we will be late ." He said and grabbed my hand,pulling me with him as we broke in a sprint.

Before opening Mrs.Wilsons door,I stopped Peter. "Can we not mention the Gwen thing." I mumbled. "Yeah,sure." He said quickly and opened the door.

Everyone was already in their seats,talking while Mrs.Wilson wrote stuff on the board.

Me and Peter ran to our seats,setting our poster on our desk. I took one last look at the poster we completed in the morning. "The pictures look good Peter." I said grinning. "Thanks." He smiled.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now