80% of your Job

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We watched from above as a blond haired man neared a black car. Peter dropped down first as the man entered the car. He swiftly swung in without a noise. I dropped and jumped in next. The man was already spooked by Peter and he squirmed when he saw me next. "Who are you guys? You the cops?"

I frowned behind the mask. "Really? You seriously think we're cops? Cops in colorful skin tight suits?" Peter spoke. The guy nodded rapidly. "You know, you-" He shot a web at the mans face and I laughed loudly. "-have the mind of a true scholar sir."

The man turned and tried to open the door but Peter shot a web and closed it. The man tried again and I stopped it next. He fumbled to get out. He began to roll down the window and I watched with a smile as he squeezed through the window space and fall out with a thud.

"Good idea. You use the window. Aaaaaand, you got it. Good job." Peter said blankly. He shook his head at me. "He's stupid." I nodded in agreement. We exited the car and swung up. The man looked inside the car to not see us.

"Who goes? Me or you?" Peter asked as we hanged. "Go ahead."

Peter fell and yelled, "Crotch!" He wrapped his legs around the mans neck, twisted and took him down. The man sprung up and took out a knife.

"Is that knife? Is that a real knife?" Peter fake whimpered,bending down with his hands up. "Yes, it's a real knife." The man answered. "No! My weakness! Small knifes! Anything but knifes please!" Peter fake cried. I shot out my wrist and pulled the knife out of the mans grip and flipped down.

The man yelped. I shot his wrist and he flew back with his hand now attached to the wall. "It's so simple." Peter said, standing up. "What the hell is this?" The man exclaimed.

"Webbing I developed myself. I don't think you wanna know." Peter shrugged. "Come on! Let me go!"

"Pfft. No!" I said back, webbing his other hand. "Hold on one second." Peter held up a finger as he leaned his head back. He then pretended to sneeze and the webbing shot out like boogers onto the middle of his pants. I began to laugh at that, pointing at the man and making fun of him.

"This is cool right?" Peter laughed along. We then starting webbing him up like crazy, clapping. The man kept telling us to stop but we were having too much fun. I just couldn't stop! How did I not see the benefit to this?

To stop his screams Peter webbed his mouth shut. He sprung forward to check if he had the tattoo. He didn't have it.

This wasn't the guy. I groaned silently. My senses tingled and I whipped around to hear sirens. An NYPD police rolled in with his bike.

I backed away as Peter took care of things. "Woah! Boys in blue here! We got him!" He said, jabbing his thumb towards the thief.

The officer pulled out his gun, aiming it at Peter. "Freeze. Don't move! Who are you?" Peter brought up his arms but then slumped back down. "You serious? No one seems to grab the concept of the mask." He began to step forward and the police officer shot multiple times, making me gasp. Of course Peter easily avoided them.

I jumped on a car and flipped over the police officer, grabbing his gun with Peter following. "Really? Shooting already without hearing an explanation?" I said lowly. "We just did 80% of your job and this is how you repay us?" Peter questioned. I flung the gun into the air.

More sirens wailed. The rest of the cops were on their way. "Run." I said before the both of us taking off.

We ran to the streets. Peter jumped into a trucks trunk. I jumped onto the top of a speeding car. We went for a trailer next, jumped and stuck ourselves to a pole, swinging away. I veered away from vehicles but Peter ended up slamming onto a bus window.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now