Bad Lizard

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As I neared Peter and Gwen, I began to do a tiny dance, waving my test in the air.

"Guess who got a 91 on her Chemistry test when she only got 10 minutes of study!"

Since I had been so busy with everything, I had forgotten about the stressful test we had today. 10 minutes before class, I cramped as much as I could by just scanning my textbook and notes.

Gwen smiled at me, cradling her textbooks. "That's great. I mean....not a surprise....but great!"

Peter scoffed. "Not to brag or anything but uh...I didn't even study yet I got a 99." He smirked. I pursed my lips. "I hate you." I growled, narrowing my eyes at him.

Suddenly, a hall burst into screams. Me and Peter turned down the hall, seeing students running towards us.

We turned to Gwen. "Leave. Now." I yelled with Peter backing me up. "Go!"

At the end of the hall and near the stairs stood the Lizard. Or......Dr.Conners.

My breath hitched in my throat. Peter obviously noticed. He gave my hand a quick squeeze for reassurance. "It's not him. Don't let it bother you." I nodded at him, licking my lips. We waited for the last student. Tightening my bag straps, we charged at the lizard.

"I'll take right," Peter shouted. "I get left!" I finished. In sync, we ducked under his arms, wrapping a string of web around his legs and pulling, making him fall.

Peter jumped on its back. He pulled back for a punch but Lizard grabbed him by his backpack, throwing him forward. He took a hold of his jacket and slammed him into the lockers, then at the trophy case but ended up bursting through the wall.

I gasped and also sprung into action. He clawed at me, I dodged them, sliding against the floor, my back arched.

Lifting myself up and whipping around, my leg shooting out to land a kick. My strength made him stumble, growling. I sprang again but he grabbed my arm, flinging me in the same direction as Peter.

I landed hard, Peter still groaning a few feet away.

The Lizard crashed in,heading directly for Peter. He held his arm down, swinging his razor sharp claws at him. Peter tried his best to defend himself, but the Lizard was too strong.

I sat up with my head throbbing. I spotted Peters backpack, then looked back at mine.

Our suits.

I whipped out a web, aiming for his bag and pulling it towards me. I caught it swiftly. "Peter!"

He snapped his head at me. I threw it. He barely managed to catch it before Lizard threw him into another wall. He looked at me next.

"Shoot." I sprung up, attached a web to the ceiling and swung myself at the Lizard, throwing another kick to its face. Before I can land on the ground, it grabbed my leg and threw me.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be covered in bruises after this. "All these souls, lost and alone. I can save them. I can cure them. There is no need to stop me." Lizard recited. I rolled my eyes.

From where Peter was thrown, his shoe flew out from the dark hole, slapping the Lizards head, angering him.

Peter, now in his Spiderman suit, jumped out. Crossing his wrists, he attached his webs to the lights above, pulling them to the back of the reptiles head. He jumped on his back, restraining him back with multiple webs. "This isn't you Doc. You're not thinking straight!"

They stumbled out the lab. I used the distraction to switch into my suit. I slipped off my shirt, then my joggers, revealing my white, black and pink suit. Reaching into my bag, I took my mask and gloves. I tucked my hair quickly into the suit and shoved on my mask, flipping out of the room.

I frantically looked around. I spotted the lizard as it went through some yellow doors. I bursted in, kicking open the door. I quickly hopped on its back, wrapping as much web around his neck, soared over his head in an aerial flip to land in front of him with the strings still clasped tightly in my hands. With all my strength, I clenched my jaw and tugged at the web roughly, shoving him into the wall. With a new gained momentum, I slammed him into the next wall, cracking the glass.

The Lizard roared. "Nice." Peter said from behind me, catching his breath. "Your move." I stepped back and let Peter get in front of me.

He sent two webs at the Lizards shoulder, leaning back. He meant to shoot himself at the Lizard, but just as he neared it, he caught him in his scaly arms and slammed him into the glass windows.

I groaned, throwing my head back. I thought of my next attack, looking around.

That's when I spotted a very familiar blond hair -do.


She swatted a large trophy at its head. The Lizard growled and turned his attention to her. She stepped back with the trophy held up in defense.

"Gwen." It growled. And so did I.

What is she doing here???!

Lizard pulled back his fist. I was quick to whip out a web to hold him back. "Tie him up!" Peter yelled. I nodded and we got to work. We swallowed him up in the substance till all we saw was white.

Peter ran to Gwen, snatching the trophy from her hands and throwing it out the window to break it. Then he threw Gwen next. "What the-" I rushed to his side, panting. "Why did you-" I stopped to see her hanging in midair.

"Had to get her out." Peter said, shrugging. I looked back out, shaking my head. "You earned that!" I shouted. "I was trying to help!"

"We had that!"


"Spider Woman!" Peter called, whirling back around to the Lizard. He had easily broken free from our restraints.

Police sirens began to wail loudly from outside. "Uh oh. Somebody's been a bad lizard." Peter teased, he lowered into a lunging position.

I smirked under my mask and got in my own ready stance. "Let's finish this, shall we?"


Super late update. I know. I'm sorry. School has been pretty tough. Kinda lost inspiration on my books. Doesn't mean I'm giving up on them. Just give me time.

Thank you so much. Peace out ✌🏻

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒Where stories live. Discover now