Spider Powers

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It was Friday morning." Hey" I told Gwen.

" Hey" she said with a worried face. "What's wrong" I asked.

"You think we did good yesterday, with the tour" she said.

"Really Gwen I think we NAILED IT!!" I said excitedly.

She gave me a sad smile. " Lili yesterday you know how Peter went when he wasn't supposed to"

"Yeah?" I said. " Well I talked to him but I didn't take away his badge I just let him go and.... he sneaked away and then I took his badge but I was supposed to do it before. Ugh why did I do that?"

"Gwen it's sooooo obvious" I said. "What's soooo obvious" she mimicked. I smiled. " You like Peter." I said playfully.

"What I do not!" she blushed. "Mhmm, you keep telling yourself that lie" I said.

"Lilian that's not the point, what if Dr. Conners finds out that I let Peter go!" She said more serious.

" Gwen its-" I quickly turned around. My tingling feeling was back and then I felt like it was leading me somewhere. I walked down the hallway. With each step my feeling got stronger.

Peter was walking to me too. We stopped a few inches away from each other. The sound from the students chatting was then tuned out. It was just me and Peter. We walked a little closer to each other until I could feel his warm breath.I found myself staring into his hazel eyes again.He looked shocked and I'm pretty sure I had the same expression.

My mind led me to him. " Peter?" I asked. He blinked and then slipped right past me.

I stayed there looking down wondering what had just happened.It felt like m-

" Lilian!!" I turned around and faced Gwen.

" What the heck was that?" She screamed.

" What?" I said looking back.

" Didn't you here me,I screamed your name like a thousand times and I was literally right behind you!"

" Woah hey calm down" I said.

" Ok ok sorry, but what was that one second you were talking to me and then you were like walking towards Peter and never taking your eyes  of him. You two were like just staring at each other" Gwen said more calmly.

" I.. I don't .. umm" I turned and ran.


I was on the school roof freaking out. Deep Breaths. In and out. In and out.

My day so far has been soooooo what the hell.

I woke up and my head was hurting. I broke the restrooms door handle, the faucet and things were sticking on to my hands and feet.

I think this happened because of the spider bite.

Yesterday at Oscorp I followed a man who had a picture of the same signs I saw on my dads files.

I entered a room and inside there was spiders. A lot of them. I have no idea what I did but then the spiders started falling on me and one bit me.

I found the spider in the morning. Yeah he was still stuck to me but when I arrived at school it just got weirder. I felt my brain tingling and then there I was in front of Lilian just staring at her. I freaked out and ran away.

And now here I am , late to class because I am too busy, on the school roof ,having a heart attack.

No what was I doing I can't stay up here forever. I was about to go back but then I remembered. I have Chemistry with Lilian right now. No no I just made a fool of myself and.. and.. ugh!!!


Nope to bad I have to go to chemistry.

I entered class only 33 minutes late but Lilian wasn't there. Thank god. Just when I sat down I felt my tingling again and I looked up.


"Also late Miss Anderson."

" I'm sorry Mrs.Wilson, it won't happen again" Lilian said.

"Better not, take a seat" Mrs. Wilson said

Her eyes shifted back and forth, the floor then to me.

"Alright now that you know about your Test , I have decided to try something new. You will all now be assigned new partners. All right so Miss Anderson your new partner is Mr. Parker.

" What!!" Everyone looked at me.Did I yell that out loud?

" Excuse me Mr. Parker" Mrs. Wilson said.

" Umm nothing, nothing" I said.

Lilian sat down next to me never looking up.

" Lilian and Parker sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" Flash sang.

Why, why is this happening to me. I'm just a innocent boy having a terrible morning.

My brain was now tingling like crazy and I grabbed my head. When I looked at Lilian she was taking deep breaths and rubbing her temples.

She then looked at me and the tingling stopped. She had a confused look.

" All right now that you are all rearranged, with your new partner I want you both to make a project regarding this weeks topic it is due Thursday morning."Mrs.Wilson said.


I was literally being tortured. My new partner is Peter and it is so embarrassing. My tingling is so strong when I'm near him, but why?

We just got assigned a project..... that we have to do with our partner.

It was now or never. I looked at Peter, " Hi".

He looked at me. " Hey". " So we have to do a project, when can we meet up?" I asked.

Seconds passed. Then he answered." Umm we can meet up at the library to start some research. At 6"

" Sounds good" I smiled.


Sorry for taking a long time to update this. Who else is ready for Avengers Infinity War??

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