Chapter 16

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"Daisey" a familiar husky voice whispers. I groan, opening my heavy eye lids slowly- their instantly invaded with a bright light making me snap them shut.

A deep laugh has me stirring again, as I attempt to open my eyes once more.

"Daisey, we're here" the voice says again, this time I feel a warm hand touch my shoulder. I jump in surprise. My whole arm is tingling uncontrollably at the touch.

Opening my eyes fully I get a perfect view of Ashton. He's wearing a shocked expression, while slowly turning his hand in confusion.

'Whats up?" I moan, sitting upright. I notice that the car has stopped moving, and that we are in fact parked at the beginning of a long driveway.

'Did you feel that?" Ashton almost whispers, still staring at his hand in interest.

I turn towards him, "what? The tingles?"

He nods, then looks at me expectantly.

"Urm, yeah it surprised me." I add, shrugging nonchalantly.

"I can still feel them, like they're moving up my arm." He continues, finally letting his hand drop to his lap. He grasps the stirring wheel with his other hand, and the huge iron gates slowly start to open.

"We're here?" I ask, gazing around the densely tree packed driveway. A light breeze has my hair whipping around my face, and the multicoloured leaves whirling around in front of us.

"Yeah, this is home" he sighs, putting the car into gear- and slowly creeping up the drive.

The driveway twists and turns in various directions, making it difficult to locate the actual house. My neck starts to ache as I crane it upwards, leaning further and further out of the car- in an attempt to see the mystery house.

I realise that I haven't actually asked him about his home life, and what his parents do for a living. In fact, I haven't spoken to him about himself at all. I know nothing about him, or his parents. For all I know, they could both be axe murderers.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask, turning too look at him. His face furrows, and a look of dread crosses his features. He stares at the driveway in front, as we reach another corner.

"Yeah, I have an older brother, but we don't speak- and I doubt that he'll be here." His words are final, leaving no room for me to ask any more questions. I nod in return to his answer, and resume my previous position.


After what felt like years, a tiny dot of a house comes into view. The house is surrounded by perfectly cut lawns- that stretch for miles. There are various bushes scattered around the lawns, which are trimmed accurately. And beautiful plant pots are placed around the edges.

It takes me a couple of moments for this wonderful sight to sink in. The house grows larger every second we near closer, it is painted an off white and has at least twenty windows on the first floor alone.

I don't realise, but my mouth is wide open in amazement.

My house back in London was large, but it was nothing compared to this mansion!

"You didn't tell me you were rich" I murmur, continuing to stare at the house and it's grounds.

"I didn't think that it was necessary" Ashton almost snaps, causing me to change my attention to him.

He looks annoyed. Both hands are gripping the stirring wheel- his knuckles turning white at the force. His eyes are fixed on a black sports car, which is neatly parked in the vast car parking area.

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