Chapter 31

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Jakes POV:

I can't get her out of my fucking head. I know I shouldn't but I fucking fancy her so much.

Her sisters hot as fuck, yet I still want only her.

She's Ashton's, I can't do that to him. Even if he is an annoying bastard.

Ellie's talking about something. God knows what. All she does is fucking talk about herself.

I could stand it for a while, because she's clearly a 10 on the hotness scale. But after a while, I want to fucking kill her.

The sex was good. Well better than good, probably the best I've had. She's crazy, in and out of bed. Which is really hot, yet we just don't have that spark.

The same spark that me and Dasiey seem to have.

Well, Ashton's got that Lori right? So she's fair game?

I just can't do that to him. I can tell he likes her.

"Are you even listening?" Ellie sighs, wafting her magazine in front of my face.

I blink a couple of times, before staring right at her.

"No" I answer simply. She rolls her eyes, before looking back down at her copy of Vogue.

"I was saying that I've booked a flight home in four days. Would it be ok if you gave me a lift to the airport?"


She nods a little, flipping her perfectly straight hair behind herself.

I love Daiseys hair. I love how wild it is, and how unbothered she is by that. It's always tucked randomly behind her cute ears. It's so adorable.

"Excuse me" I murmur standing quickly upright. I pace out of the kitchen, and turn left- towards the stairs.

That's it. I've decided I'm going to confront her. I'm going to tell her how I feel- maybe she'll feel the same?

I all but sprint up the winding staircase, coming to an abrupt halt when I plough straight into Elizabeth.

"Oh! Good heavens Jake, watch what your doing!" she wails, straightening out her cardigan.

"Sorry Elizabeth" I mutter, stepping to the right cautiously.

She grasps my arm, halting my actions further.

"I'm your mom. So call me it, ok?" she says calmly and evenly, a loving look plastered on her small features.

"Not technically." I murmur, receiving an immediate hurt look. I instantly regret what I said.

"I'm sorry, mom." I whisper, kissing her on her bony cheek. I side step her gently, and continue down the hall- slowing when I near Daiseys room.

Knocking gently, I wait a while. No one answers, so I slowly open it. She's not inside. Where the hell can she be?

I decide my best option of finding her is asking Aston. Walking in the direction of his room, I recite the speech that I'm going to say to Daisey in my head over and over again- making sure it sounds perfect.

I don't bother knocking on his door, we're past pleasantries like that. So instead, gripping the cold gold handle of the big wooden door- I fling it open.

There Daisey is. Laying beneath my step brother- his tongue rammed down her throat.


They break apart suddenly, Ashton turning to face me questionably.

I stare with my mouth open.

Daisey blushes a deep red.

"What do you want?" Ashton is the first to speak, a look of annoyance on his arrogant face.

What the fuck.

She's kissing him.

"It doesn't matter" I murmur- stepping out of the door. I push the door shut firmly, before turning and stalking back to my room.

I fling my door open and slam it shut. The noise of the closing door ricocheting around my vast room.

Without a thought, I turn and crash my fist against the wall.

The collision has plaster splintering around me. I don't feel the pain, all I can think of is her lush lips touching his.

I need to get out of here.

This can't happen again.

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