Chapter 43

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{ I'm just letting you know that this chapter will be quite sexual- and so if you would prefer to skip it please do. I feel that I personally would enjoy reading this if I was a reader, and so I have chosen to include this chapter- if you don't agree just skip it please. Thanks }

Ashton's talented hands run over my bare flesh, only hesitating slightly when he reaches my bra clasp. He removes his lips from mine and looks at me expectantly, I nod once, confirming that I want him to take off the bra.

He nods in response before trailing light kisses down my neck. I can feel his fingers fumbling slightly with it, and so I help him to undo it.

He clenches the material and throws it to the ground, leaving me laying their completely naked from the waist upwards.

His eyes drink me in. I'm surprised that I don't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, in fact i feel quite the opposite.

I drag my hand up Ashton's arm, savouring the tough of his bare flesh on mine.

He smiles a small smile before leaning back down and stating his trail of kisses up the length of my body. I hum in sweet satisfaction.

I take it upon myself to reach for his Jean zipper. He falters slightly, lifting up to look at me.

"Are you sure?" he whispers, looking at me for confirmation. I can tell he really wants to, but he's giving me the option, asking if I'm ready.

He knows it's my first time, and he should know that this makes him extremely special to me.

I smile, " I'm sure".

"Yeah but, it's your first time and.."

I cut him off by sitting up and resting my lips on his. He moans into my mouth, and I begin unbuttoning his pants.

This is so foreign to me, I've never even kissed a boy before Ashton- let alone taken off his pants! Its just like I've been possessed, I have no control of what I'm doing, I'm just doing it...

I fumble with the zipper, the fact that his hot lips are running up and down my bare flesh isn't helping me in any way.

He chuckles lightly before unzipping his own pants swiftly, and tossing them behind him and onto the floor.

He's wearing some tight white Armani boxers, the sight of them has my temperature increasing dramatically.

His lips are back on me again, and I'm gasping for more oxygen. Wow, this boy really affects me.

I take it upon myself to start wiggling out of my own pyjama bottoms- kicking my fluffy slippers off along with them.

I'm so glad that I put on my sexy underwear. I'm (was) wearing a red lace bra with matching panties- curtsey of Victoria Secret. Now only the panties are left on...

"You're breathtaking" Ashton murmurs, looking down at me seductively. He's straddling my waist, his two thick thighs encasing me within him.

I begin to stroke his left thigh, enjoying the tingles that radiate up my arm from the touch.

"So are you" I muse quietly, looking up into his sparkling eyes. He wears a content look on his devastatingly handsome face, only serving to increase my want and need for him even more.

"I love you" he replies- startling me completely.

I choke, utterly speechless that a stunningly perfect boy such as himself would ever love anybody like me. Someone who tries so hard to hide his emotions from everybody, would actually love me?

"Really?" I squeak, biting my lips harshly to avoid the tears that have sprung into my eyes from falling.

"Yes, I do" he answers, making my heart turn into utter mush.


He enters me slowly, and with the upmost care. I bite back a scream, fully aware that there are probably hundreds of tired students in every direction behind these thin walls.

"Are you ok?" Ashton whispers, hovering above me.

I don't think I can take anymore. I nearly choked on my own saliva when he revealed his manhood. It' big...unnaturally big I would say!

I nod once, my hands gripping the bedding tightly. I read somewhere that relaxing helps ease the pain, and so I focus on taking deep, calming breaths.

"Jesus Daisey, can I go further in?" Ashton huffs, clearly struggling to keep his control.

"Yes" I pant, throwing my head back in despair.

He pushes further in, stretching me completely. I whimper slightly, unable to keep it in. This hurts so much.

He stops pushing once again, sweat forming on his forehead. Bless him, he's being so gentle.

I reach out one hand and rest it on his tensed arm. I begin stroking it, relieving some of his tension and mine.

"I'm fine" I reassure him, stretching a smile onto my lips. He nods in response before pushing in further.

After a while the pain disappears leaving me with nothing more than compete satisfaction. He glides into me evenly, each time sending me closer and closer to utter ecstasy.

We moan and hum together, both moving as one. We're together, doing the most intimate thing possible- showing our adoration for each other.

My thighs fizzle as the build up to the explosion commences. I bite back a scream, while Ashton throws his head back- growling deeply.

We reach the explosions together, Ashton buries his head in the pillow, while I slap my palm over my mouth- both in an attempt to minimise the yells of pleasure.

The condom is disposed of quickly, and Ashton is by my side once again. A calm and peaceful atmosphere surrounds us both, as we lay side by side- his arms hug me closer to him, and our legs entwine together.

"I love you." he states softly again, kissing the top of my head gently. I smile as I turn into him, enjoying this side of Ashton- the loving caring side of him.

"I love you too" I reply, placing my lips gently on the corner of his mouth.

"That was amazing, you are amazing" he chuckles, running one of his huge palms through my tangled messy waves.

"I hope I didn't hurt you" he adds, a concerned look now etched on his face.

I laugh lightly, that's all he bloody thinks about- whether I'm in pain or not.

We lay like this for hours, talking about the strangest things. We even play the remainder of the film, where I unfortunately begin to cry at the heart melting ending. Ashton only laughed at me and my soppy actions, instigating a full blown pillow fight- where he obviously won.

We both ate ice cream watching the sun rise though the tiny window in my tiny dorm room, ignoring the fact that we had lessons in a couple of hours and we hadn't even slept.

Overall this night couldn't get any better...

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