Chapter 5

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Standing there, wearing nothing but his boxers, is a boy probably the same age as me; but like I said I'm not an expert or anything...

He immediately blushes.

He's quite tall, and has long brown messy hair that cascades down his cheeks. His eyes are a dark chocolate, and his jaw is awkwardly he's in pain or something...

I shift uncomfortably on my feet, seriously not knowing what to do.

I've bloody read enough soppy romance novels...but I can't quite remember this situation ever occurring in any of those.

His eyes slowly look me up and down, increasing the awkwardness of the situation.

I want to look away from his gaze, but I just can't.

His full chest is located a meter away from me and I'm finding it hard to look away from the fineness of his body.

That is until the bathroom door swings open revealing a tall, brown haired girl. Wearing only a robe, she eyes me up and down before gazing at the guy.

We all stand staring at each over for a lifetime before the girl finally clears her throat and awkwardly laughs "I'm guessing your my new roommate?"

My gaze falls on the left hand side of the room, which looks sparse compared to the right hand side, which is filled with fairy lights and pink fluffy cushions.

Nodding, I slowly begin to drag my cases to my side of the room.

Both of their eyes never leaving me.

Once the cases are placed at the foot of my bed I look up, noticing their eyes firmly fixed on me "I'm daisey" I simply state, pushing my wavy blonde mess behind my ears.The girl smiles, "I'm Livy" we both then turn to the still half naked guy standing between us.

"I'm Jessie" he smiles, his smile isn't as good as Josh's but it could still make a girl speechless.

"So..where abouts in England are you from?" Livy asks, small talk it.

I unzip my bag, "I live in Chelsea, which is in London" taking out a few dresses, I then walk to my wardrobe, carefully placing them in. Kicking my heels off as I do.

I'm aware I'm still being carefully watched by both of them.

"I'd love to go to London.." Livy whines, I look up to her noticing how gorgeous her light brown eyes are.

" you really wouldn't, not when it's constantly raining" I chuckle lightly, trying to liven the mood...but that's pretty hard to do when there's a guy still stood gawping at you.

Walking back to my case I notice a couple of thongs positioned on the top, hastily I grab them and plunge them deep into my suit case.. I'll just have to unpack them when there isn't a guy watching over my shoulder.

"It's still a beautiful city.." She sighs, then realising just how awkward this whole situation is she whispers "get out" to the guy, who reluctantly agrees, never taking his eyes off of me even when shutting the door.

I look at her in disbelief "is he aware that he's just walked into the corridor wearing hardly anything?"Laughing she shakes her head "honestly, there's not much up there" she points her perfectly manicured finger to her head.

We both laugh.

She's seems ok.

"So, are you two...?"

"Oh god no! Ew not with that meat head..all I know is that he's extremely good at what he does" she winks twice at me, and then I understand.

Smiling a little,I continue unpacking.

Taking out my very expensive louboutins I place them carefully at the back of my wardrobe.

"Tell me those aren't louboutins?" Livy cries, jealousy pouring from her beautiful browns.

I nod, she scoffs "lucky bitch!" I laugh, "you can borrow them if you like" Her face lights up "oh really?"

I've got 20 pairs at home, half of which I have brought here.I'm seriously not bothered if she uses a pair.

After completely unpacking, and getting to know Livy I now understand that she is also 18 years old, lived in New York most of her life. Her mum and dad divorced, she moved here with her mum and started a new life; oh and she hates clowns.

I didn't tell her my life story though, I thought better of it. The way josh had reacted hadn't been pleasant so I decided not to go there.

Without realising I had become extremely hungry.

At home we were only allowed to eat certain meals, for example.. absolutely no sugar or fat, no grease or carbs and under NO circumstances...chocolate.

These were the rules of the house... Ha Ha not any more bitches.

" hey, I'm hungry..where do you go to eat around here?"

Popping her head out of the bathroom door she grins "i know this amazing diner down the street"

I laugh,

"Let's go!"

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