Chapter 1: intro

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Okay, hi guys!! This is my first ever time writing so please be nice. Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated!

But yeah, I read a lot of this stuff so I just thought why not give it a try? If I'm crap then I'll stop. Simple.

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 1:

The thought of waking up to the same routine makes me feel literally sick. 13 years of home schooling really affects someone's sanity.

I mean I've literally had no connection with the out side world, and for all I know every school is exactly like high school musical.

My older sister Ellie left 2 years ago, she was the first to realise how this huge mansion was more like a prison then a home. She now lives in sunny Australia with her hot surfer boyfriend, while I'm stuck alone in rainy England with my two younger brothers...great.

Mum had completely flipped when Ellie had finally plucked up the courage to say how much she hated living here, and I was so close to agreeing with her but the despaired look on my mothers face made me think against it. So now I'm stuck here, alone, dreaming that one day I'll venture further than the front gate. I mean I don't have a serious disease or anything, and we didn't live in a crazy town filled with loons; it's just that my mum and dad wanted me to focus on getting amazing grades and becoming the next Einstein, but obviously that's not what I want..well to be honest who would?

I haven't ever ventured outside the gates because I never felt the need to, I do all my shopping online, I have four maids and one butler, plus I have plenty to busy myself with, in my castle of a home. But sometimes I just wonder, I wonder what my life would be like if I were normal. If I went to parties on a night, and ate pizza, and had...a boyfriend. Pretty pathetic I know. Some kids in Africa would want nothing more than the life I have, and I do feel selfish, I really do.

The only time I ever left the house was when I was around 15, my mum had somehow persuaded me to simply go to the super market with her. I can distinctly remember the day like it was yesterday.

I had hastily slipped some low cut converse on and had grabbed my leather jacket, while my mind had been rummaging through any possible excuses I could come up with within the next 30 seconds. Mum had put on a short..really short dress and some heels, and had cat walked to the front door, my fathers eyes never leaving her backside...ew. This was the time when they both claimed that they 'loved' each other, yeah not so much now. I had been extremely confused, why would you need to wear such an outfit to simply go to a super market?we were going just to the supermarket...right?

Anyway, I had reluctantly slipped out of our front gate and joined my mum in her range rover. We had driven to the supermarket in record time, and my face was still stuck to the window with a look of amazement when my mother had irritatedly slammed the door shut, causing me to bolt upright.

As you can probably guess my mother wasn't the usual loving caring mum that everyone seems to have, mine was more bothered about her broken nail than Bradley's broken ankle. Or a wrinkle appearing on her forehead more than Ellie leaving the family. She'd been a model for 15 years, that had all changed when she got pregnant with the most eligible bachelor in Chelsea dad, her career kind of spiraled down after that point and now she relays on my fathers earnings...but she still has her head seriously so far up her own arse she would definitely need a ladder to climb out.

Following close behind, I had studied the other people jumping out of their own cars; everyone seemed to be completely different which amazed me . However my eyes were drawn to four girls around my age entering a clothing boutique situated at the other side of the road, my heart had literally sunk and a huge lump had formed in the back if my throat. This is what normal teenagers do I had thought, this is what I want to be doing -I had walked into the huge automatic doors of 'Harrods' and gasped at the bright flashing lights displaying various prices, wow, it was amazing.

My eyes had been dramatically dragged everywhere, first to a couple having a dispute about which tomatoes to get, then seeing a woman picking up her screaming child and practically dragging it behind her. That day was probably the most action I had ever seen in all my life. After walking in further,I had noticed that people physically stopped what they were doing and stared at me. The couple with the tomatoes firmly grasped in their hands nonchalantly raked their intrigued eyes all over my body, the woman with the small child had done a double take before continuing to drag her little brat away.

Instantly, I was unbelievably embarrassed.

Why? Was the only question that had been circling in my head.

The supermarket had seemed to go silent for what was probably minutes, but to me it had felt like years. Had I looked strange? Could people tell I was different?Was I that ugly? like seriously hide your gaping mouths a little people. I had wanted the ground to swallow me up, or an alien invasion to happen right then and there, but unfortunately that hadn't happened.

Instead I had helplessly looked up to my mother praying that she could somehow take me away from this situation, expecting a reassuring gaze I had been surprised at what I saw. I can distinctly remember her face, which was contorted with a mixture of jealousy and anger.


Am I missing something here?

For some reason I had felt ridiculously guilty, I didn't want my mother to ever look at me like that again.

And that's the reason I have never left the house again, no daughter wants to make their mother upset.

Do they?

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