Chapter 26

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I sit on the bed silently, Ashton's words circling my brain.

Should I go back out? Or just stay here like he said?

He's got a girlfriend, why the hell is he saying things like that?

Just as I make to stand up, the door to Ashton's bedroom is thrown open. Revealing a distressed looking Lori.

"You" she spits, pointing a long manicured finger at me. Nearing closer, she slams the door shut.

Her bleached blonde hair is messy, and tucked violently behind her ears, her extremely short cocktail dress sticks to her unattractively, and her makeup is plastered on half heartedly.

I sit there coolly, watching as she implodes.

"Who the FUCK do you think you are? Look at you, with your frigid long fucking nun dress on and your makeup less face. You make me sick. Why the hell did Elizabeth want to auction you off? I'd rather shit in my hand and eat it than go on a date with you!"

I fight the smile that threatens to appear on my face.

"You act like a little pure angel, but I bet you lost your virginity at like 8, you dirty slut!" Lori is now shaking with anger, her finger still pointed at me threateningly.

"I think you need to calm down" I sigh, watching as her pupils decrease in size.

"Don't tell me what I need to do you fucking English bitch." She yells, her (clearly botoxed) lips flap comically as she speaks.

"Do you find enjoyment out of sleeping with other girls' boyfriends you whore!"

I cough in shock, she thinks I slept with Ashton?? She clearly has a screw loose.

"I haven't slept with anyone's boyfriend!" I yell impatiently. Cursing myself for getting angry.

"You're an ugly fucking whore, who needs to back the fuck away from my guy. Get it?" She shouts.

I roll my eyes tiredly.

"Get a grip"

I make to stand up, but she lunges at me. Grasping my hair in her hands, she hauls me to the floor.

I've completely lost my balance, and I fall hopelessly to the cold wooden floor.

She's on me in a nano second, screaming and scratching.

Her nails sink into my neck, as she squeezes. I gasp and grapple at her talon like nails, attempting to push her off me.

She squeezes tighter, until I'm struggling for breath.

I flop like a fish out of water, until she releases her grasp slightly. Then I flip her over, until I'm straddling her waist.

She screams and screams, while I plunge my nails into her throat. Her body convulses, as she struggles to breathe. She grabs my hair tightly and I cry out, releasing her neck momentarily.

The swift sting of her hand colliding with my cheek makes me wail in pain. Another one follows, until my cheek burns furiously.

"What the fuck?!?" A male voice booms, followed by another male voice.

Hands gasp my shoulders, yanking me violently away from Lori. She still holds onto my hair, and I scream as chunks come flying out.

I'm dazed. Faces blur past me.

Ashton pushes me to the wall, a stern look etched on his face.

Then he leaves me, and helps Lori up. Jake makes his way over to Lori, checking to see if she's alright.

I just stand there. Watching them both hug and soothe Lori.

What the hell? She's the one that attacked me!

"What the fuck did you do Daisey?" Ashton yells, pointing at the cuts and bruises lining Loris neck.

My eyes flicker inactively over Jake, Ashton and then finally Lori. She wears a smug smile, one hand slowly caresses Ashton's shoulder- while the other is firmly clasped within his hands.

I shake my head in utter shock.

How can he say stuff like he did not long ago, then speak to me like I'm nothing.

"Fuck this" I choke, walking out of the wide open door. Thankfully no one else saw what happened.

"Don't fucking walk away Daisey! Come back and apologise!" Ashton bellows, making me walk faster away.

I take myself to a bathroom. The bathroom furthest away from Ashton's room.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I spot the scratch marks dotting my neck. My left hand side cheek burns from the slaps, and tears well up in my eyes- threatening to spill.

I brace myself on the sink, and sob. Sob again and again, until the dull thumb of a headache begins.

Sorrow soon turns to anger.

And without hesitation I storm out of the toilets, and make my way out to the gazebo.


The party is in full swing. People laugh and dance, others chat and generally look like their having a good time. The fat sweaty guy seems to be having a blast, he sits with a champagne flute in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

I spot Elizabeth on the dance floor, a man twirling her effortlessly. She laughs and smiles, and looks the happiest I've ever seen her.

Ellie dances with an unknown man, he's much older maybe 40? He's dressed in a dapper suit and smiles cheekily at my sister- who winks back.

I spot my target.

Across the tent sits Ashton, Lori and Jake.

Ashton is treating Loris wounds, by dabbing them with disinfectant- while jake watches the various people glumly.

Jake notices me first, then Ashton then finally Lori. She smiles cockily at me, and Jake just shakes his head in despair.

I smile slyly at them all.

They each watch surprisedly as I saunter over to a table full of males.

I'm aware my makeup is probably everywhere, but by the manly growls I'm receiving from the table I'm betting i still look decent.

There are about 7 males, each between the ages of 17-20. They're all fairly good looking, but one boy in particular catches my eye.

He has bright blonde hair, and murky blue eyes. His jawline is out of this world, and his teeth are perfectly pearly white.

All these things included, he is nothing compared to Ashton. But for now, he'll do.

I walk over, the mystery boys' eyes fixed on mine. I can feel Ashton's stare watching me, and it drives me on further.

"Hey gorgeous" the boy says, smiling intently at me.

I smile sweetly back, placing a hand on my hip sexily.

"Hey, fancy a dance?" I ask calmly, licking my lips suggestively.

He gulps before standing, laughing as all his friends smack his back proudly.

"Go on dude" they all chant, as I turn to walk away.

He chuckles, and catches me up. Slipping an arm around my waist.

I stare at Ashton, as we walk over to the dance floor. His eyes penetrate mine, and I smile a little to myself as a look of anger and jealousy contorts his features.

"So what's your name?" The boy asks, I almost forgot he was here.

"Daisey" I mutter, moving his hand from my backside to my back.

"I'm Lewis, where you from?"

I roll my eyes.

"England" I state, turning to face him as we reach the dance floor.

He smiles widely,


I nod a little, and nearly pass out as the song changes from fast to slow.

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