Chapter 2

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Hi guys!

I'm actually finding this writing stuff hard aha!

I must have deleted this chapter at least 5 times until I was remotely happy with!

any useful advice would be much appreciated, due to this being my first ever Wattpad story.

Chapter 2:

The sound of my alarm awoke me from a deep slumber. It was the same dream again. The one I've been having for months now. It always ends with me taking a single step out of the front gate, however I'm always awoken before I see what happens next. This might be a sign that I should never ever leave the house, and that mother was always right; however I refuse to believe it.

Begrudgingly sitting up,I take a long look at my spotlessly clean bedroom. When you have nothing to do all day, cleaning is the only thing that keeps me sane. Silently stretching my arms, my brain slowly starts to work, then all at once various thoughts enter my head.

What enjoyable things am I going to do today? Go swimming in the huge indoor pool? Do some baking in the ridiculously grand kitchen? Tidy my bedroom for the ninth time this week?

I sigh heavily, life at the moment was pretty interesting as you can tell... I effortlessly roll my weightless body to the other side of the bed, unwillingly landing on my front causing a gasp to escape my lips, dang these huge breasts of mine! Checking my phone, I notice a text- my mouth makes a O shape at this see i've probably only ever recived 4 texts in the whole year that i have owned my mobile. There were two choices, it was either EE texting to let me know my data has run out or it was from Ellie.


' hi! How's lyf? Still shit? Thought so. Why don't u just grow some balls and get the hell

outta that place? Best thing I ever did! Anyways happy 18th!! Love ya, E xx'

I smile. What a bitch. I'd literally do anything to be her right now! And then it dawned on me, yep I'm 18.

Most people would be incredibly happy, now I can drink, smoke, and drive. Clearly I wouldn't be doing any of those things, so it didn't really bother me. However the realisation that my 18 years of being alive only consisted of me being within this house scared the poop outta' me.

Jumping to my feet I head into my en suite in hope of showering before my mum bursts through my door declaring I make my way downstairs to open my presents. I wonder what ridiculously expensive gifts await me this year. Surely I haven't already got everything there is to own.

One year I had become adamant that my parents spend no money on me and the money they would have spent would be donated to a charity. Obviously that plan didn't work and I awoke to find my bedroom a sea of perfectly wrapped presents. That's my family for you.

Turning the shower on I get to work with thoroughly brushing my teeth, once entering the amazingly hot water I feel instantly relaxed. This is the only place I can think clearly-Showers solve everything.

I make a deal of thumping my feet against the stairs, allowing my family downstairs to get into positions for the classic 'surprise' which we all do every everyone. It's not so much a surprise now, but I act like it is anyway.

I can hear my mother frantically whispering, and the groans escaping my two brothers mouths. Flinging the dinning room door open, I notice at least 30 precisely wrapped presents each lying side by side along the length of the room. And yet again my mother has taken it too far.

"SUPRISE!" She sings, my brothers each muttering it. reluctantly i slap a fake smile on my face, and immediately hug her. Her perfume encasing my nostrils, causing me to get an instant headache.

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