Chapter 22

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I re-hang the dress in a flush,careful not to let Ashton see. I want it to be a surprise.


"Why didn't you show me this one?" He asks, handing the sales woman his card. I snatch the card from his hand before the woman takes it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I squeak.

His brows furrow in confusion, "erm, I'm giving her my card?".

I scoff in disbelief.

"Your not paying for it!" I can't help the high pitch tone in my voice.

The sales woman stands awkwardly between us both. Her arm still suspended.

"Of course I am!" He scowls, snatching the card out of my palm. Before I have time to react, the sales woman has it in her hands and is trotting off toward the cash register.

"What? I'm paying for it!" I growl, turning my body towards Ashton. Anger emanates from both of us, as we stand staring at each other.

"Why are you being difficult? It's the gentleman thing to do!"

"Well I don't care. I can pay for it myself!"

He scoffs, "You are coming to my family's party, so it's only fair I pay for the dress!"

"That makes no sense Ashton." I sigh, crossing my arms in defeat. I will pay him back. It makes my skin crawl at the thought of me being anything like the gold digger that is Lori. She clearly only wants Ashton for his money and good looks.

And I'm nothing like her.


The drive back to the lake house is quiet yet comfortable.

I had refused to allow Ashton to buy me anything else. And so, I had spent my entire months salary on a pair of stunning heels, and a cute clutch.

He had scoffed and huffed about me paying for them, but I had made it quite clear that I didn't want anything to do with his money.


"We're back" I call, stepping through the thresh hold and into the cool house. I'm not surprised when no one answers.

Ashton trails behind me carrying my shopping bags.

"Where do you want these?" He asks, casually throwing his car keys onto the hallway table.

"Just leave them there and I'll take them up." I motion toward the bottom of the stairs. He places them down gently, and begins opening the boutique bag which holds my secret dress.

"Hey!" I call, slapping his hand away from the bag.

"Sorry, I just want to know what it looks like!" He chuckles, taking a step away from the bags.

"It's a surprise" I mutter, picking the bags up and taking them to my room. I hang the dress carefully behind my door, and stand to admire it. Wow, it is truly stunning.

My trance is broken when Ellie barrels through my door.

"Hey" she grumbles, flopping onto my unmade bed. Her hair is clumped in various knots, and her face is paler than the white walls.

"Wow, you look great" I chuckle, taking my clutch and shoes from the shopping bag.

She scoffs at me, before covering her eyes with her arm.

"No shit" she spits.

I can't help but laugh at her.

"What time did you get in?" I ask casually.

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