Chapter 8

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Leaving the dorm block, i practically sprint down the campus- towards the front gates.

I notice a few stares, coming from students who are either calmly studying outside, or taking a pleasant walk. As you can probably imagine i am doing the complete opposite.

My hair viciously slaps me in my face, as i try my best to sprint/walk down the street. The weather is pretty hot, and i can already feel the sweat stains starting to begin underneath my arms.


Nearing the diner, i slow my pace down- trying my best to see if it is busy.

please let it be quiet please let it be quiet

Stepping into the car park, i frantically open my Luis Vuitton bag- retreaving my mobile, i casually check the time.


Just in time.


After pushing the diner door open, i was more than happy to see that there was very few customers.

Surveying the entire diner, i begin to make my way to the counter. Behind it, stands the yellow toothed woman from yesterday. She's wearing her greasy her in a tight bun, and seemed to be engulfed in playing Candy Crush.

Clearing my throat, she rolls her eyes before looking up at me.

"what do you want?" she spits, leaning her weight against the counter.

"i was here yesterday..i'm starting to work here?" i begin- only to be silenced with a wave of the womans grimy hand. "yeah yeah, i remmember you." she sighs, stretching her arms.

After stretching for what seemed like hours, the woman eventually tosses me a note pad and pen.

"here, you'll be out front with Josh." she says, slowly untieing her red apron.

"oh, and here" she mutters, throwing me the bright red apron- "you'll have to wear


It was nearing the end of the day. I had been working non stop for around 5 hours, luckily Josh had come at around 4 to start his shift- meaning that i actually had someone to talk to.

It had suddenly become rather quiet, and the winter night was turning darker and darker with each second that passed.

"would you rather..have sex with Doug brown or jim westwood?" Josh laughs, as we both begin wiping a table.

"i can't answer that question until i know who they are" i giggle, spraying some disinfectant. Josh grins, "if you had to pick though"

Slowly, i start to wipe the cloth over the sprayed area- "well..i think the name Doug sounds probably him"

Josh starts hysterically laughing. Throwing his head back, he grabs his chest in an effort to stop giggling- only to burst out laughing again. Standing there, i cross my arms over my body and raise an eyebrow- "what's so funny?" i muse, still staring at a red faced josh.

He slowly starts to calm down, puffing out his cheeks he begins to wipe the table again.

"Damn Daisey, you do crack me up" he smiles.

"I don't understand why, who would you have chosen?" i ask, picking up the cloth again and moving to another table. "Probably Jim" he answers, also picking up his cloth and moving to another table.

The beeping of a text causes me to look up from wiping the table. Josh begins searching his pockets until he eventually finds his mobile. Switching it on, his face begins to light up.

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