Chapter 34

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I step into my modelling class timidly, afraid that Ashton will already be sat down. He isn't obviously, he hardly ever shows up anyway.

Taking my seat near the back, I plop down into the cold chair and go about taking my folders and books from my bag.

"Good morning class, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas" Mrs McKinney sings, typing something onto her computer. Some students murmur in response, I just roll my eyes. If another person asks how my Christmas was, I actually think I'm going to go crazy.

"I hope you all have finished and completed your assignments, they are in for today!" she continues, narrowing her eyes on the entire class.

Shit! Ashton has the assignment, I left it with him after our...kiss.

I start to panic slightly. Mrs Mckinneys one of those teachers that will take pleasure in embarrassing and upsetting a student. Knowing her, if she finds out that I haven't got it, she'll probably make me wing it and do it on my own.

I sink back into my chair, one half of me praying that Ashton arrives with the competed assignment, the other half of me knowing full well that he won't have even looked at it- and that it will probably still be sprawled across his bedroom floor.

"Right, let's start" Mrs McKinney states, pushing herself up off of her chair.

Today, she wears a bright pink jumpsuit that would actually look sort of nice on someone 40 years younger. Her dazzling ginger hair is toppled on top of her head spectacularly, and the way in which she saunters effortlessly around the room implies that she must have once also been a model herself.

She begins the lesson by droning on about camera angles, instantly boring half of the class. I turn my gaze to the picture of my mother, located to the right hand side of me. She has a huge smile on her gaunt face, and I can tell she must have been around 20 when that picture was taken.

It seems surreal seeing her next to pictures of Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne. I can't believe she's classed as one of 'England's top models'.

"Daisey?" Mrs calls for the second time. I hear people snickering, and the undeniable sound of people's chairs turning to look at me.

I blush deeply, resting my gaze on a flustered Mrs McKinney.

"Yeah?" I ask, completely confused. The other students turn back around, clearly bored at my reaction.

"Where's your assignment?" she says sternly, resting her hand on her hip.

"I..i don't have it" I stutter, wincing as her eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Well well, students this is a clear example. You can't just have a pretty face to pass this class, you have to put in dedication, time and effort. Clearly, Mrs Odonnell thinks it's acceptable to turn up to this class without her homework, so it is an hours detention."

I gape, an hour??

"But..." I begin, completely flustered at her punishment. I've never had a detention in my life, nor did I ever plan on getting one!

"No 'buts' Daisey, you will join Mr Stark after your lessons have concluded at 4pm."

I snap my mouth shut. There's no point in even trying to get out of it.

"Anyway, so can anyone tell me what an Extreme Close Up entails?" Mrs continues, raking her stern eyes over the half asleep class. Who even takes modelling as a class? People who clearly think it's an easy A.

I snap my eyes shut in annoyance and anger. This boy just ruins my life in every way possible. He's not even here and he's already managed to ruin my education!

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