Chapter 37

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"As the famous Kate Moss once said, 'nothing tastes as good as pretty feels'".

I roll my eyes, what kind of right minded person says something like that? Has she ever had Ben and Jerry's before?

"Now, on to some more exciting news; I've been asked by a few modelling agencies to take some head shots of you all. They're looking for fresh new faces and they believe this class is full of them! So, if you don't mind this afternoon we'll be in the photography suite."

I really like Mrs.McKinney don't get me wrong, but wasn't crimped hair soo 1980's? I mean, who purposely goes out of their way to crimp their hair anymore?

The rain pattered heavily against the one window located to my left. The atmosphere was dull, matching my sombre mood. It was the day after my dad had dropped the bombshell on me. Ashton hadn't so much as glanced my way, and I wasn't surprised when he didn't turn up to class.

The bell rang and the sound of 24 sighs of relief filled the room. I gathered my things eagerly, unknowing that Lori was approaching me.

"Well well, if it isn't the slimy slut- who's boyfriend have you shagged this week?"

I look up to find a glowing Lori. I haven't seen her this happy in months. She'd ignored me up until now, ever since Christmas I haven't so much as thought of her. Why has she suddenly grown the balls to come up to me now?

I ignore her petty comment and continue to pack my Louis Vuitton, careful not to crumple any papers.

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you." Lori sneered, wrapping her fake hair around her manicured finger annoyingly. Her two followers behind her snicker, each of them wearing more makeup than your average clown.

"Forgiven me for what?" I ask curiously, looking up into her brown, eyeliner rimmed eyes.

"Forgiven you for stealing my boyfriend. It's worked out better for me anyway, he wants me now more than ever! It's true what they say, you don't know you love something until it's not there!"

I'm not entirely sure the saying goes quite like that, but to be honest I'm more confused over what the hell she's talking about.

"What? Ashton wouldn't touch you with a barge pole" I chuckle, swinging my bag onto my shoulder. She thinks she can spew a load of bullshit to me and I'll just lap it up? Ha!

"Well, that's not what happened when he fucked me three times last night is it?"

I choke on my own saliva.

He...with her???

"Wwhat?" I stutter stupidly. They all burst out into hysterics at my mental break down.

"You didn't honestly think he'd choose you over me? He was just playing hard to get. Anyway, I've won and you've lost big shocker there." With that she turns and saunters out of the door.

I really wish I could rip her fake extensions out and strangle her with them.


The afternoon creeped up on me, and before long I was placed in front of a camera lens and asked to stay still.

"We'll need you to remove all makeup Daisey" Mrs. McKinney wined, dangling a makeup wipe in front of my face.

"I have no makeup on" I repeat for the 1000th time. Bloody hell, is the woman deaf? She's told me the same thing five times, and I've answered the same thing five times!

"And I'm Kim Kardashian! Get you're makeup off!" she snaps sarcastically, all but throwing the wipe at me.

I hiss before dragging the cold wipe over my face. I show it to Mrs and she nearly coughs in shock when not a single drop of makeup is displayed on it.

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