Chapter 27

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Lewis grins wildly at me, as the beautiful sound of Sam Smith fills the gazebo.

I roll my eyes.


Lewis holds his hands out eagerly, and I follow. I don't get the usual tingles that I receive from Ashton's touch.

We slowly bob in time to the music. I look anywhere but at Lewis, finding the situation extremely awkward. He's clearly having a great time, his grin still plastered on his face.

"You looking stunning" he says. His greedy eyes roaming my body.

I throw a fake smile at him,


After a few seconds have passed, I start to think whether this was an effective plan. I assumed Ashton would come storming over, and remove me from this terrible situation I've put myself in. Lewis clearly thinks he's going to get lucky tonight, and I feel sort of sorry for him and the disappointment he's going to face.

Just as I'm about to apologise and make an excuse to leave, out of the corner of my eye I spot Ashton and Lori dancing. Their both dancing two metres away. Close enough for me to smell Ashton's mouthwatering fresh mint odour.

I know what he's doing, he's trying to make me jealous. Well, two can play at that game.

I look over at them both, Ashton is staring at me. I give him a dirty look before turning back to Lewis.

Without hesitation I grasp his chin and crash my lips to his.

He gasps in shock, before returning the kiss harder.

It isn't until his tongue skims my lips that I pull away.

That was my first ever kiss.

I wanted it to be with someone I truly loved. As stupid as that sounds.

Lewis smiles smugly at me, moving his palm to my butt. I don't even flinch I just leave it there. Too numb from what I've just done, to realise.

It isn't long until the song ends, and a happy up tempo tune is replaced.

"Do you want to get outta' here?" Lewis whispers in my ear, pulling me closer to his firm chest.

I'm still in shock. I just can't believe I'd waste something so personal on someone I don't even know.

I nod slightly, really really wanting to get out of here. Away from all the drama that follows Ashton and his family.

Lewis grins broadly. He grasps my limp hand, and tugs me up towards the house. I follow like a lost puppy.

We enter the kitchen, Lewis nods to a few people mulling around- and I just follow silently behind him.

We exit the kitchen and take the stairs up.

It isn't until he leads me into a bedroom that I understand what's happening.

The penny finally drops.

"Oh" I murmur.

He's stopped grinning now, a carnal look etched onto his face.

He wants one thing, and one thing only.

"Take your clothes off" he says huskily, taking off his tie and kicking his shoes to the side.

I watch in slow motion as he removes his shirt, revealing a bulky chest. Too bulky for my liking.

He leaves his trousers on, and moves closer to me. I move backwards, towards the door.

"Need help undressing?" He asks, taking longer strides towards me.

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