Chapter 23

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"Are you nervous?" Ashton asks quietly, his stray brown curl tickling his nose. My eyes roam his perfect features before I nod slightly.

He smiles a small smile before turning his attention to the window. I really don't understand this boy, one minute he's lovely and caring and the next he drives me into a parked car, or ignores me for days.

I roll my eyes slightly in a silent display of annoyance, and pull out my cell from my clutch. I have no missed calls, or unread texts. I sigh quietly before clicking on the Facebook app- (which I only recently installed.)

Various peoples status' litter my feed. Only one status in particular catches my immediate attention.

Lori- 'what to wear to a fancy charity party? Cocktail dress, or Mermaid?xx'

My jaw drops to the floor.

Those 12 words circle my aching brain.

So, she's coming? Ashton actually invited her?

Why should I care anyway? It makes sense that he invited her, they're boyfriend and girlfriend right? What am I to him, a random person who has nowhere to go at Christmas? Or just the unfortunate person who was paired with him for a school project?

I angrily shove my mobile back into my clutch. Right, Daisey O'Donell pull your shit together. Any fantasy you have of you and Ashton needs to stop, now. Nothing is ever going to happen. Why did you even think it would? Look at him, and look at you.

"Daisey?" Ellie calls from the front. Her voice is lost through the loud music blasting through the car speakers. I hadn't even noticed any music was playing.

"Turn that shit down!" Ellie wails at Jake, he laughs a little but obeys all most instantly.

"What?" I ask- harsher than intended.

"I just got a text from mom." Her voice is eerily solemn. And I instantly know something is up. My heart beat slows dramatically, as I anticipate her next words.

"Dads partner has been arrested."

My mouth goes slack with shock.

Johns been arrested.

I stop breathing almost suddenly, while my scattered thoughts send my delirious mind into free fall.

It takes me a while to form any coherent words.

I can feel the eyes of everybody on me, and the feeling of the car moving isn't there anymore.

I know we've pulled over. What I don't know is why I'm acting like this.

I look up slowly, my numb state only just clocking the look of confusion plastered on everyone's face- except Ellie. She understands.

"Oh" I whisper.

My heartbeat gradually returning to its original rhythm.

"What's the matter?" Jake asks, turning to face Ellie when I don't respond.

"He used to touch her, when she was younger" Ellie sighs, like it's all boring her.

I cough in shock.

"What the fuck Ellie?!" I scream, clouds of red mist slowly forming in front of me.

"How dare you tell them what fucking happened!"

Ellie's face drops. She puts her hands up in a 'what?' gesture- making me seething mad.

With that I throw myself out the car door, slamming it shut behind me.

I breakout into a sprint, dodging the crowds of people wandering around the park jake pulled up at.

How fucking dare she?

It wasn't like he did it to her! Only me.


I ignore Ashton's calls, and round the pond. Using breathing techniques to stop the endless tears that are bound to come.

"Stop!" Ashton grasps my arm lightly, stopping my escape.

I turn back to him, anger pouring from my eyes.

"Ashton just fuck off!"

"Daisey stop fucking swearing!" he yells back, grabbing his brown hair in frustration.

I scoff, and turn to run- but he grabs me again.

"Fucking hell, you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!" he curses, directing me towards a bench hid behind masses of dead looking trees.

He places me down gently before taking a seat next to me. Slowly, and graciously he slips off his jacket and places it around my shoulders.

We sit for an age in silence. The distant sound of children laughing and the ponds waterfall filling the air surrounding us.

I look up at him, his eyes are warm and inviting. He just looks at me, he doesn't ask or bother me for any information.

"It isn't that big a deal." I start, looking towards the ground as I speak. Ashton doesn't respond he only continues to look at me.

I clear my throat a few times, knowing that talking about it will help me get over it.

"He touched me a few times, nothing more. He'd just feel me, and stroke me like you would a dog or a cat or something." I feel the hot tears dripping onto the beautiful white dress. The beautiful white dress which is probably completely wrecked now.

"I told my parents about it but obviously they didn't believe me. My mum just thought I was full of myself, she thought I wanted him to fancy me or something." I chuckle without any sign of humour.

"Every time my dad would come home from work and John was with him, i'd go upstairs and hide under my bed or in my wardrobe. He'd always find me though. He'd tell my dad that he was helping with my homework." I sense Ashton tensing. Looking up, his once calm greens are now filled with anger and sorrow.

"He once tried to take my top off, but I screamed so loud. He hit me, quite hard actually- around the face. And then he had the cheek to tell my parents I'd fallen over, and that he'd helped me!" I laugh again, laughter soon turning to sobs. His arms are around me at once, pulling me into his warmth.

"He must have done it to other girls as well. That's how he's been caught. Finally, he's paying for what he's done." I manage to say before the uncontrollable sobs break loose.

I haven't spoken to anyone about that. Not even my parents, or my sister.

I can trust him more than my family.

He just rocks me lightly until the sobbing dies down; and he's left with nothing more than a mascara stained wreck.

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