Chapter 12

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For some strange reason the entire day has solely consisted of me replaying the moment when Ashton turned to face me. The way his unimaginable green eyes glinted in the dimly lit room- and how a perfect, single curl had sprung across his perfect face....


Jumping at the sound of my name, I frantically look up from my study books to find a glaring Livy.

"What?" I ask, rubbing my bum, that is seriously beyond numb ( hey that rhymes.) I'd been sitting in this exact position for 2 hours, trying to get up to speed on what a models dimension is, and how I can use it within my shots..blah..blah..blah..

"I was talking to you about something really important, and you completely ignored me! How rude can you be? I thought all English people were highly mannered! Obviously not you!" Continuing to rant for at least another 5 minutes, I once again ignore whatever Livy is saying and focus entirely on that amazing moment...

"Daisey for fucks sake!" Livy screeches, slapping her small palm against her desk.

"What Livy? What's so bloody important that you just have to tell me right now?!" I snap, slamming my study book shut.

Damn, I forgot what page I was on...

"Well, if that's how your going to be" Livy mutters, stomping over to her wardrobe and yanking an outfit out.

I let out an exasperated sigh, before resuming to my study books. I probably got a whole minute before Livy started rambling on once again.


The warm afternoon air, soon changed into a bitterly cold night. I was still glued to my study books, and very nearly drifting to sleep every other minute..that is if I could. Livy was squawking about a girl that had slept with Cole two nights before she had, and how ugly and fat she was.

I continued to ignore her, however, I began to realise just how much of a bitch she can be.

"So then I asked Cole who he liked more- me or this other girl. He obviously chose me, and said that he was taking me out Saturday night..." That's about as much of the conversation I listened into, well you can't really call it a conversation when she's the only one speaking.

We both jolted upright when there was a hard knock at the door.

Livy's side is closer to the door, so I presumed that she would get it. I wasn't surprised when she continued to paint her nails, expecting me to stop revising and answer it.

"I'll get it then" I huff, slowly getting up. My legs are completely numb, and it took a little jumping to get the blood flowing back into them.

Strolling over to the door, I do a once over at my tight tank top and pyjama shorts. I don't care what I look like right now.

Turning the lock, I gently tug the door open. Standing there in a pale blue jumper is Cole. His hair messily clumped to one side, and his face looking browner than usual. In one hand he is holding his mobile, and in the other a set of car keys.

I very nearly gip at the sight of him. What was it he said to me the last time we met? Oh yeah, something along the lines of 'I get what I want, which is you.'

Opening the door just wide enough for my body to fit through, I expertly lean my body weight against the wall, plastering a scowl on my makeup less face.

"Can I help you?" I ask, keeping my gaze fixed on his. For some reason, Cole looks awkward and a bit nervous...

"Erm, yeah is Livy in?" He mumbles, his eye sight fixed on the spotted corridor carpet. Nervously, he begins jingling the car keys.

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