Chapter 6

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I've literally had no inspiration lately so I apologise for the lack of chapters! Anyway, thanks for reading and like I said any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated.
Love you all x x x

Chapter 6

Slipping some low cut white converse on, me and Livy begin the trek to 'Rovers', a local diner that Livy swears is the best in the town. The perfect day was slowly near to an end, as the sky turned into a wonderful mixture of light blues and dark blues. Strolling throughout the campus, I'd only hesitantly noticed three of four students, each seeming to be as overwhelmed as me.

"Seriously they have the most amazing French fries!" Livy grins, showing me her perfectly straight white teeth. Livy was undeniably beautiful, the kind of natural beauty that a lot of girls don't have. She only wore a tiny bit of makeup however she seemed 10x more stunning than any girl wearing a truck load.

"Never tried them." I chuckle, a huge gasp escapes Livy's mouth. She turns to fully face me, her jaw dropped. "You've never tried French fries? Are you being freaking serious?" She waves her hands in the air a couple of times, to emphasise just how surprised she is. This explains why she's chosen drama as her main subject.

Laughing at her seriousness, i shake my head " nope." Tutting, we both continue walking in the faint moonlight our eyes roaming the campus, taking in every beautiful detail, that is until a group of boys come into view.

Immediately Livy silences, giving a clear indication that she knows them. Her breathing becomes more erratic, as she starts to adjust her hair. "Who are they?" I whisper, trying not to make it obvious that we're talking about them. Livy ignores my question, as she straightens her top and pats down her jeans. Obviously she's trying to impress the boys...

Sashaying towards them, she reluctantly looks up to me "They're kind of like the jocks of the school, each of them are super gorgeous. But the best looking one, josh, he's a total dick.." She trails off, seeming to go into a day dream, but quickly snaps out of it when she realises that we are oh so close to them. josh? The josh that sat next to me on the plane? I mean he is very good looking but I couldn't picture him as a jock. Or being a dick..he seemed too nice. Hmm, there's probably hundreds of Josh's in UCLA anyway..

"Josh who?" I ask, trying to look casual, but my voice came out way too high. Confused, Livy turns to me "josh carter..why?" The whole situation of 'josh' seems to make Livy very defensive. Her questionable eyes still roaming my face makes me think twice about my answer. "No reason, just intrigued" I mumble, looking down at my shoes. She nods, then begins swaying her butt even more as we near the group. I casually stroll behind her, not particularly caring what the meat heads think of me.

Nearing them, one of the smaller boys turn to face us. He grunts a low hideous grunt, causing the rest of the boys to turn towards us. Their eyes flick between Livy's and mine. Livy still catwalks down the pavement, me trailing at her feet. The guys seem to be drunk, the way in which they stumble around confirms my beliefs. An older, more handsome boy wolf whistles at me, causing my face to go the colour of a tomato. I'm not used to this much attention.. Another boy rakes his menacing eyes up and down my body a couple of times, before shoving his fist in his mouth. "Damn!" He moans, causing the other boys to double over in laughter.

Quickening my pace, I over take Livy and gladly notice the red lights of the diner. The boys thankfully avert their gazes to Livy, who is more than welcome to have their eyes roam her body.

Standing in the parking lot of the diner I wait for Livy to catch me up. She'd taken a while to walk past the boys, while I had willingly sprinted away. The centre of attention is not my scene, and the fact that at least 12 boys eyes were on me made me feel quite intimidated.

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