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thank you for nearly 800 readsss <33

 also 100k on adopted by billie eilish what the actual fuck, that book literally sucks ass

sorry i haven't updated in a lil bit my brains constipated

madison stfu i'll beat ur kinky ass

billie eilish, november 1st

los angeles | CA

sorry lmao i was kicking my brother out of the room
whats ur number?


i copied the number and opened up my contacts app. i created a new one and pasted in her phone number. 

is roux ur last name?


i laughed at her message and switched apps again.

lilou roux <3

its billieee

hey cutie
so have u decided what we r gonna do?

im gonna call u
like phone
and then if im feeling brave i might agree to ft

okay pretty girl
call when ur ready

i took a few deep breaths before pressing the call button and putting it to my ear. it didn't even get the chance to ring out once before the speaker crackled indicating lilou picked up. 


lilou's french accent was thick, which had taken me back a bit because i did not expect it from the way she just sounded from texting. it just sounded so american in my head.

wait, that doesn't make sense.

never mind.

"hello? billie? are you there ma chérie?" lilou chuckled through the phone causing my stomach to do flips. i smiled and played with the bottom of my shirt. 

"mhm," i hummed catching my teeth on my lower lip, "im here"

"okay well answer me then! you are making me look like an idiot!" she laughed again. "okay, okay sorry, i'll talk, i just didn't expect your accent, that's all" i said laughing a little too. 

"oh! sorry, i should have warned you or something" it sounded like she was giggling, but it was muffled like she was covering her mouth.

"no, its okay, i like it" i reassured. "okay," lilou said but it was met with a long pause of silence until we both burst out laughing. once we calmed down i tried to speak, but so did lilou at the same time.

"what shou-"

"i was thi-"

"you go-"

"you go firs-"

"stop reading my thoughts and speaking them billie!" lilou shouted while giggling. "sorry!" i laughed, "what were you gonna say?"

"what should we talk about, is what i was gonna ask" she said. "uhm. i dunno" i said shrugging even though she couldn't see me. 

"wait, can we facetime actually?" i asked shyly starting to get more comfy on my bed expecting the answer i wanted. "sure cutie" lilou said. i was sure she was grinning, i could practically hear it. 

i mean, i was too.

i quickly pulled my hood up over my hair that was currently tied up messily in a bun. i hid my chin under it the neckline and chewed it anxiously as the facetime call showed up on my screen. 

i answered and nearly gawked at lilou. she was wearing a white tank top, light makeup, and her hair falling over her shoulders and down her back. "you're really pretty..." i said quietly. "thankyou angel, i would say the same about you but i can't really see" she said.

i blushed and hid more into my hoodie. "billie, i can't see your pretty face" she teased. "good" i mumbled into the cotton jumper.  "c'mon darling, i know you can show me" lilou said propping her phone up on something, giving me a full view into her cleavage. 

my breath hitched in my throat. "uhm," i said. "take down your hood, please, i wanna see you" she said. i put my hand on the top of my hood. a smile spread across lilou's lips watching me. "that's it, keep going" she said as i slowly pulled it down. 

"shhhh" i whined getting flustered. "sorry" she covered her mouth giggling again. "no fair," i huffed going out of frame. "wait billie! come back im sorry!" she said still trying not to laugh. 

"no you're laughing at me!"

"okay, okay, i'll stop, i just wanna see your face, please angel?"

"hmm, i dunno, you're being mean" i said folding my arms across my chest. "billie, please baby, i won't laugh at you anymore" lilou begged. "fine" i groaned and moved my phone back in front of me. 

"bonjour jolie fille" 

"hey, no french talking" i frowned. "why?" lilou asked. "uhm because, one, i dunno what you're saying and two, it giving me butterflies so stop it" i said. i could tell lilou was trying hard not to chuckle at me. "if you laugh, i swear-" i warned pointing a finger. 

"i wont!" she said throwing her arms into the air. 


Ma Fille Chérie | Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now