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the last chapter wasn't very good i'm trying to make it less boringgg

cuddles sound really appealing rn

also switch up in pov 'cause y not?

lilou roux, november 2nd

santa monica | CA

"wha'?" billie looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "slipping? age regressing? being how you are now?" i asked.  "oh uhm, i no know" she shrugged burying her head into me. 

"are you embarrassed billie?"

"nooooo lou-lou, billie not 'barrassed" she whined, even though it was clear she was. "billie, its okay, you know that right?" 

she just whined again hiding from me. 

"billie..." i cooed poking her sides gently. she squirmed around but kept hidden. "come on embarrassed baby, let me see your pretty face" i teased trying to pry her out of my armpit. 

"i'll go get you a lollipop if you come outta there" i bargained immediately making billie pull her head away and climb on top of me. "lollipop?" she asked looking my face over to see if there was any trace of me telling her a lie. 

i laughed at her reaction.

"yeah, i'll go get you one, do you want some medicine too? for your tummy?" i asked, only earning a scrunched nose from billie, "yucky"

"but you'll have the lollipop though, to get the taste away" i told her. "okay den, but only 'cause my tummy big hurt" she said matter-of-factly reaching down to hold it again. "okay, do you wanna come with me or stay in here?" i asked putting her beside me. 

"uhh, i wait here" she said getting comfortable on my bed. "okay, i'll be back in a minute, darling"

i walked back into my bedroom to see billies clothes strewn on the floor. i looked up at her perched on the bed in one of my sweaters. her back was turned to me so i said her name to grab her attention. 


she turned around with a finger halfway up her nose. "oh gross," i said walking to my nightstand to put down the medicine and lollipop. "why'd you take your clothes off, silly girl?" i asked looking at her in nothing of her own except the underwear she had on. 

she must be quick, i was only gone two minutes, three tops.

"uh 'cause tummy hurt 'n dem to tight, 'n dis no tight" she explained taking the finger out of her nose and pointing to her clothes on the floor and then to my sweater she had on. "right..." i said, "well, here's you medicine baby" 

i handed it to her and grabbed a tissue. she drank the liquid and shivered dramatically. "it's not that bad" i chuckled as she handed the small cup back to me. 

"lollipop!" she whined when i didn't give it to her but tried to grab her hand instead. "i'll give it to you in a second, sweetheart, just give me your hand first" i said still trying to grab it. 

she held it out and i wiped her finger and then her nose before reaching behind me for the candy.

billie quickly grabbed it from my hand and stuck it in her mouth. she laid back onto my pillows and stared at me innocently. i started picking up the clothes from the floor and folded them up for billie to take home when she went. 

the room was quiet for a while until billie spoke up.


her voice was soft. i turned my head toward her, "yeah? what's the matter amour?"

"sleepy" she said taking the lollipop from her mouth, a string of drool attached. "i think the medicines working already, what do you think darling?" i asked walking to her side and taking the candy from her small hand.

billie nodded reaching her fists up to rub her droopy eyes. i put the lollipop down into her tissue to prevent it from sticking to the wood of my bedside table and pulled my blankets back. 

billie looked up, "lou-lou sleep with me?"

"i won't go to sleep since i'm not tired, but i will lay with you if you want?" 

"i want dat."

i helped billie under my covers and climbed in beside her. the tiny girl grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me in close so she could tangle her legs with mine. 

billie moved her head onto the pillow i had my own laid on. she was so close that i could feel her forehead on my chin.

i couldn't help myself but retract my head slightly to press my lips to the warm skin. i felt billies eyelids flutter shut against my neck. i smiled to myself.

after billie started asking me questions about age regression i knew she was curious, but i didn't think it would actually happen.

billie actually regressing.

it seemed like she didn't think it would either, i could tell she was scared and definitely embarrassed.

i just hope she doesn't freak out when she comes out of headspace.

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