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guess who's going on a dateeeeee

happy new year!

i recently mistook my friends coughing grandma for her dog barking-

billie eilish, november 21st

los angeles | CA

"billie! holy shit!" finneas busted into my bedroom almost making me shit myself. "jesus fucking christ finn, i almost died!" i yelled back, clutching my chest. "sincerely sorry, but we just got booked for a venue downtown for next week!! bil, you're gonna sing on stage!!!" my brother exclaimed, almost screaming with excitement for the both of us.

"for real!?! oh my god!!" i squealed, jumping up out of my bed and rushing over to finneas in anticipation for all the details. "on the twenty-seventh we're gonna perform for like so many people and it's gonna be so fucking awesome dude!" he said showing me his phone so i could see the proof.

"i- i honestly can't believe this" i gasped, "how the hell did you manage to get us in?"

"i have my ways," he smirked, pulling me into a hug. "thank you so much!" i squeezed my brother tightly and squirmed in delight. "i can't wait" i beamed.

lilou has to come too.

finneas started talking about what songs we we're gonna perform, but i was too busy occupying myself fishing around my pockets trying to find my phone to text lilou. "and we could- billie, are you even listening?" 

"yeah, yeah, i am, keep going" i said, my eyes glued to my phone screen. 

lilou roux <3

you need to get over her rn 
i mean here
just come over here pls
i have to tell you something 

the room fell silent, so i glanced up to be met with a glare from finneas who was standing with his arms sassily folded across his chest. i giggled putting my phone down on the bed and sitting down beside it, "i'm listening, promise, keep going" 

"i was thinking to bring dad's subwoofer, even though they have one i think bringing ours would add a lot more bass, because i know you love it, do you think we should?" finneas asked sitting down too. "yeah, i like feeling it through my whole body, it makes the music sound better too and you can hear me less which i like, it makes me less nervous about it" i replied, earning a nod from my older brother.

my phone buzzed so i quickly picked it up, but soon feeling disappointed when it was just my mom.


please can you do that homework i asked you to do last week, it needs to be done.

i groaned and threw my head back, fuck school bro. pain in my ass.

"what?" finneas asked. "i need to do school, don't want to though" i grumbled trailing off when i heard another ding. "why didn't you do it earlier?" he asked. "i did, actually, but apparently i didn't submit it properly and i have to do it again" i said, matter-of-factly. 

lilou roux <3

omw darling <3

"who was that?" 

"can you stop with the questions bozo? and its lilou, she's coming over right now, gonna tell her about the show" i said flicking the side of finneas' head. "well why don't you ask her to help you with your work then?" he suggested grabbing my hand and pushing into my face. "true, can you quit that!" i said trying to now shove my brothers feet off me as well as his hand off mine. 

he laughed and took his feet off me as well as pulling his hand back. "i'm gonna go start a set list,  come join later" finneas said heading out of my bedroom. "kay, asshole," i muttered under my breath. 

"i heard that dipshit!"

"billie! someone's at the door!" 

i hopped up off the sofa and rushed to the front door, swinging it open and jumping into lilou's arms. "missed me huh?" lilou teased, kissing the top of my head. "shut up, i always miss you, no matter how long your gone" i huffed pulling away. "that's very cute, and i do have to admit, me too" she said with a wink walking past me into the house. 

"anyone home?" she asked looking around and not seeing anyone. "only finneas, and well me, mom and dad are out" i said pointing down the hall to finneas' room. "oh okay, so what did you wanna tell me that was soooo important" lilou asked wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me toward her. 

i blushed and looked down to my hands, "well, i want you to come with me to something" 

"like a date?"

"well no, uhm, kinda? i don't know- but i want you to come with me" i rambled anxiously. "billie," lilou chuckled, taking a hand off my hip and lifting up my chin with her forefinger. "why are you so nervous all of a sudden, my love?" 

i shrugged, looking down again, my cheeks and ears burning with embarrassment. i was so excited a second ago, what happened?

"are you gonna tell me the exciting news, or are you gonna be my little embarrassed baby again? hm?" lilou asked, pushing me out of this awkward feeling i had, i wanted to tell her but my anxiety was starting to take over like always.

"i- i got a gig, next week and i want you to be there with me," i said softly, still not making eye contact with the person i loved most. 

"you did!? that's awesome billie! i'm so happy for you, and of course i'll come with you!!" lilou said placing her hands on my shoulders and giving them a reassuring squeeze. she squatted down a bit so she could see my face properly, "proud of you, bumble bee"

a small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth earning a even bigger one to spread across lilou's face. "i love you," she whispered, still grinning widely. "i love you more," i said back, chewing on my bottom lip trying not to smile. 

"hey lilou," finneas' voice soon entered the room as he walked into the kitchen to scrounge around for a snack. "hello, congratulations on the show by the way, billie just told me" she said standing up straight. "thank you" he smiled before turning to face the fridge. 

"oh and lilou," finneas said turning back around again, "mhm?"

"billie needs some help with her schoolwork, could you help her?"

for some reason, finneas talking about me in that matter made me feel very childish. 

kinda liked it. 

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