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mommy? sorry, mommy?


b is so funny without even trying

little cutie

sorry it's been taking me a while to update, i have a lot of homework & studying for exams lols


lilou roux, november 12th

los angeles | CA

"how you doin' bil?" i asked after finishing my last bite. she hadn't finished her own, and i suspected it was because her stomach started to hurt. she flashed me a closed mouth smile, "i'm okay"

"i'm okay my ass, i'm not an idiot, is your stomach hurting?"

billie shook her head and pushed her bowl and plate toward me, "do you want some?"

"no thanks angel, do you wanna head back to my house? or do you wanna go to your house?" i asked, gathering up my belongings to head out. even though she said she was okay, i could see straight through her and i'm sure if she was hurting she wouldn't want to stay here any longer.

"uh, yours?" she asked slipping her phone into her pocket as i stood up. i nodded and waited for her beside the table. she got up slowly and carefully. 

i grabbed out a twenty dollar bill from behind my phone in the case, ready to pay. "but i wanna pay" billie frowned seeing the money in my hand. "no, love, i will. do you wanna go to the car? there's a bit of a line at the register" i said getting ready to hand her my keys. 

"no, lilou i said i'm okay, and i'm paying" the smaller teen grunted walking past me to the front counter, slightly hunched in her back. 

"billie," i warned, why was she lying to me? 

she kept walking further from me but suddenly came to a halt a few feet away from the end of the line, resting against a wall. i caught up to her and put my hand on her back, "i know your hurting mon coeur, go sit down in the car, i'll come as soon as i pay"

i pulled out the keys and put them in her hand. "go please," i kissed her forehead and headed to line up. 

i headed out of the small café toward my car, stuffing the change into my back pocket. i couldn't see billie through the passenger window, which concerned me a little. once i got close to the car, relief washed over me when i could see the top of her head. 

i opened the door to see billie had pushed the seat as far as it can go back, and she was sitting on the floor, knees pulled to her chest. she turned her head toward me, two fingers in her mouth. i scrunched my brows together, "what are you doing down there love?"

"hurts" she mewled pulling her fingers out from between her lips, looking up at me with watery eyes. "oh, you've slipped haven't you baby?" i asked bending down to get her up from the floor. she nodded, sucking on her bottom lip as i slipped my hands underneath her arms to pull her up onto the seat behind her.

"billie sorry, she no mean to wuin another day"

"aweh, baby" i pouted, "you haven't ruined anything, no need to be sorry angel, it's okay. your tummy must be really hurting then, huh?" i affirmed sitting billie down earning another small nod from her, "do you know how old you are? hm? can you tell mommy?"

billie stared into space for a few moments, thinking. she lifted up her hand, showing me her fingers, the only one down being her thumb. "four?" i questioned, but she then dropped another finger, but seemed to half put it back up again, "three? don't know? four and three?" 

she went to answer but pulled her knees back up, onto the seat clutching her stomach. "oh petit amour" i pouted. i did feel bad for the small girl. 

i don't know how she thinks she could handle it, she keeps proving herself wrong.

"let's get you home, hey baby?"

"billie sweetheart, i can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" i sighed to the whining girl in the seat beside me, i'd already asked if it was her stomach but she shook her head. "w-wan'- wan' paci" she whimpered, struggling to get her words out.

"you want your paci? it's at your house baby, remember? " i reminded, pulling into my driveway. obviously, it was the last thing the small girl wanted to hear. she dropped her knees and slid down the chair getting all tangled in the seatbelt, letting out a frustrated sob. 

once i parked the car i got out and went around to the passenger door and opened it up for billie. her bottom lip was jutted out dramatically in a frown, arms weakly folded over her chest. "i'm sorry i don't have it, baby, can you come out of the car?" i asked leaning down to wipe her damp cheeks with my thumb before unplugging the seatbelt for her.

 she wrapped her arms around my body, making it extremely difficult for the both of us to now get out of the car. "bil," i let out an amused chuff, "you gotta let go bub, it will be much more comfy if we cuddle inside too"

the girl whined, trying to pull me closer to her. "i'm not going anywhere angel, come out of the car though please, it's kinda hurting my neck" i tried to reason but she didn't budge. "billie, c'mon, let's go lay down inside"

she shook her head against me starting to tremble, fresh tears starting to run down her flushed face. what felt like the one-hundredth time since we left the café, i let out a pitiful sigh. debating in my head what to do, i slowly stepped my feet backwards on the driveway, coming out of the car- pulling billie with me. 

whimpers left her lips from being moved about, but she let me. "good girl, there we go" i cooed standing upright outside the car, holding billie wrapped up in my arms. i kicked the door shut and headed up the concrete driveway to the front door. 

"i've gotta put you down for two seconds to grab my keys, okay?" 

billie groaned as i set her down, enclosing her arms protectively around her middle. i can't imagine going through this much pain just for a little bit of gluten, the poor girl. i pulled my keys out from my pocket, pointing my car keys to the vehicle down the drive to lock it, before unlocking the front door. 

i slipped the keys back into my pocket and hoisted billies tense body back up into my hold. "m-mommy?" she asked quietly as i stepped into the house, "yeah?" i responded, shutting the front door with my foot. 

"do you has st'awb? i wants her"

note to self; never go anywhere without billies comfort items again.

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