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thank you for the love and support on all sixty-two chapters of this book

and no body kill me just yet, i have a surprise.

i've  also made a spotify playlist for this book, and it's collaborative so feel free to add any songs this book reminded you of <333 

link in comments >

lilou roux, december 31st, new years eve

the eiffel tower, paris | FR

"it's so much bigger than i imagined," billie told me, looking up at the lit up eiffel tower a few thousand feet away. "that's what she said," i joked making the girl roll her eyes and shove me playfully. "no but like actually, photo's don't do this justice," 

"i agree," 

"do you want the rest of this? it tastes kinda weird" billie offered her dinner over to me. "what did you even order?" i asked, taking the takeaway bowl from her. she shrugged laying down onto the grass beside me. "well i wanna know if i'm gonna eat it, i can't even see what it looks like," i told her. 

i pulled out my phone and turned on my flash, looking into the pasta. "yeah, no still don't know what this is," i said to myself and googled the menu for the restaurant we ordered from. 

"which one?" i quizzed holding my phone out to her. she thought for a second and showed me which one.

escargots bourguignonne

i laughed in shock, "billie! you ordered snails in pasta!" 


she started to dry heave, "i ate snails!?"

i could not control my laughter as billie continued to gag. the people around us turned their head and looking at us two, some people joining me and chuckling to themselves as well. 

"you're so dramatic!"

"dude! i just ate fucking snails!" 

the teen carried on for another few minutes before whining and laying down, her head in my lap. i giggled and brushed her hair from her eyes. "you're fine, it wont kill you," i said. she glared at me through her lashes, folding her arms over her chest. 

"i am far from fine, lilou."

i stifled another fit of laughs and faux pouted at her, leaning forward and kissing the tip of her nose, upside down. 

"stop thinking about the snails swirling around in your belly and look at what's in front of you, this is like a once in a lifetime thing," i said to billie. "ugh lilou, you made me think about it again! i just stopped thinking about that," she whined putting her hand over her stomach. 

"sorry, but like look, you'll never be in this moment again, ever." i said. "i guess," billie shrugged, "i wish i could stay in this moment forever, with you. not with the snail spaghetti, leave that," 

"you're never gonna live that down, bils, ever," i chuckled. "oh my god remember when billie ate snails in paris accidentally and wouldn't stop gagging??" i mocked in a funny voice earning a shove from the girl. "stoppp!" she laughed.

"i'm so telling finneas, he's gonna love that," 

billie huffed and sat up, "you're mean,"

"i am not. do you wanna go stand under the eiffel tower, to fulfil your wish?" i asked with a slight smirk creeping onto my face. the girl's frown turned into a smile as she stood up. i got up from the grass too and reached for my girlfriends hand.

we walked together over to the massive structure, swarming with people which wasn't surprising considering it was getting later and closer to the new year. i stopped us about a hundred feet from it and stared up. 

"i can't wait to spend next year with you," billie said. "i was more thinking the rest of my life, but each to their own," i shrugged. i looked down to my girlfriend who leaned into my shoulder, smiling widely. 

"i love you. oh my god, i love you," she said looking up to the stars. "you're so perfect to me, i literally can't imagine anyone better than you billie o'connell,"

billie's cheeks grew hot as she hid them behind my arm.

"do you like it here?" i asked softly, looking around at the starry sky too with a small smile on my face. "why wouldn't i? anywhere i'm with you i like, and it's paris for christ's sake lilou," billie laughed pointing to the eiffel tower above us.

"i mean, i can't disagree with you on that. i'm the happiest when i'm with you," i replied, leaning down a stealing a quick kiss from her. "i can now tick off being a pinterest couple from my bucket list," billie said with a goofy grin spread across her lips. 

silly me to fall in love with you...

la fin
j'éspère que tu as apprécié
merci, je t'aime <3

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