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bruh who wanna edit this story fr

bing bong

maturing is knowing that don't by ed sheeran goes hard 

lilou roux, november 15th

los angeles | CA

i heard billie's bedroom door shut loudly from down the hall. i looked to her family in front of me, a different expression on each of their faces. "i'm gonna go..." i trailed off pointing down the corridor. "tell her i'm sorry" finneas said scratching the back of his neck as i stood up. "will do," i nodded starting to walk away from the o'connell's and toward my girlfriends room. 

as i approached the door, i walked slower and said the girls name, to make her aware of my presence before i could potentially scare her by knocking on the wood. "billie... it's just me"

"go 'way mama, don't wan' you" 

i should've been expecting that. also mama? that's new.

"why, baby?" i asked leaning in and putting my ear on the door, "i just want to help you feel better"

"billie 'mbarrassed, n she don't wan' see nobody" 

"okay, okay, that's fair. maybe strawb can make you feel less embarrassed? and then you can let mama in and talk to her?" i asked hopeful. all i wanted to do was give the younger girl a big hug, to ease her anxiety. i heard some shuffling around from inside the bedroom then billie spoke again, "st'awb not in here mommy"

"oh, do you know where she is?" i asked. there was silence for a few moments before soft cries started up. "hey, it's okay angel, i'm right here, what's the tears for?" i quizzed, furrowing my brows in concern at the thought of my love upset. 

"she-she got icky boogers on-on hers, so billie put her in washer, n she no here" billie hiccuped. "oh no, do you want mama to go look in the washer for her? to see if she's all clean now?" i asked.

 "mhm-hm, p'ease" 

"okay sweetheart, i'll be right back" 

i walked back to the living room and over to billie's mom, "excuse me maggie, where is your laundry?" i asked, having not seen it before. "oh, the washer and dryer's outside, do you want me to get something?" she asked standing up. "yeah, but it's okay, i'll get it, thank you," i smiled and headed to the back door. "out here?" i asked, earning a nod from the woman who sat down again.

i walked down the steps to the two machines. i peered into each one until i spotted billie's pink bunny. i opened the door up and grabbed it out, thankfully it wasn't wet, but warm. the drying cycle had just finished.

i walked back up the steps into the house, holding the stuffed animal to my side to shield it from billies parents somewhat. walking back down the hall to her i spoke, "billie, i've got strawb baby"

"her dry?"

"mhm, shes so warm too. wanna open up the door for me darling?" 

i waited a few moments for the door to open, and when it did i was met with the cutest sight. billies hood was up, her damp hair spread everywhere, and her purple pacifier hanging loosely in her mouth. 

the girl put her hands out, opening and closing them slowly. i smiled and handed her the bunny, "here, cutie"

i was expecting billie to shut the door but she didnt, she just stood there twirling her toe on the wood floor. "do you need something?" i asked. the girl stammered on her words looking up at me, "ac-actuawy, actuawy, uhm, billie wan'-wan' mama too" 

i smiled and nodded, "okay, im here, can i come in?" 

billie shuffled  back from the door and let me step into her bedroom. i shut the door behind me, feeling small tugs on my shirt. "yeah?" i asked turning back to face billie, putting my hand over her fist to get her to stop pulling on the fabric.

"cuddle, wan' cuddle" she frowned, jutting her bottom lip out. "you wanna cuddle? of course" i grinned taking a seat on her bed. i opened my arms up to the little girl and waited. she bounced on her feet and took off in my direction, jumping up and landing in my lap. 

i cooed gently watching her wrap her arms around me and snuggling in. i started to comb my fingers through her hair, trying to de tangle it a little. billie pushed my hand away whining after a  minute.  "sorry baby, does it hurt?" i asked apologizing. 

she nodded and curled back into me. she seemed to shift uncomfortably around a few times before sitting up, a whine slipping her lips. "you okay, bubba?" i asked looking her face over, trying to see if any expression could help me. 

"'ncomfyyy" she whinged pulling at her leggings. "your leggings are uncomfy?" i asked. "mhm-hm!" billie clarified.  "okay, lets go change them then, go pick out some new pants" i said pointing at her closet. 

she shook her head with a loud cry, "billie dont wanna do itssss!" 

"okay, okay, i hear you, my love. can you take some deep breaths for mama? while she picks you out some pants?" i hushed the girl pulling out her pacifier. "hey! dat not yours!" she yelled with a big frown spread across her lips. "im gonna give it back i a minute bee,  i just want you to calm down" i said starting to take deeper breaths in hopes she would copy me. 

but my hopes overturned when billie dropped her shoulders and started crying. "oh gosh, are we a bit tired, hm honey?" i asked sliding my hands under her arms and pulling her onto my chest, while she wrapped her legs around my waist.

i rubbed circles into the teens back and rocked her back and forth to calm her down.

it started to work after a little encouragement, so i moved billie back onto the bed and grabbed some sweatpants from her closet. i walked back over to the sniffling girl holding her bunny and took her shoes off. 

"can mama change your pants for you?" 

billie nodded and laid herself back on her bed. within seconds of pulling her leggings down i remembered she hadn't put any underwear on, so i re-routed quickly and searched her chest of draws for some.

once grabbing a pair i got billie's old pants off and the new articles of clothing on. "here baby," i said handing back the purple pacifier to the tired teen. she pushed it between her lips and started suckling rapidly to control her emotions. 

billie held her arms up to me, so i laid down beside her and helped her relax. "s'eepy mama..." billie murmured putting her arm over my chest. "oh i know pumpkin, close those tired little eyes for me," i said quietly. she let her eye lids droop shut, "that's a good girl"

"billie sorry fo' bein' 'barrassed n running away again-" billie opened her eyes up again and started to ramble, so i cut her off before it got out of hand. 

"hey, shhh, its okay to feel embarrassed little love, for now take a nap, okay? but i think you and your family need to have a proper talk"

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