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i make being extremely depressed look cool 

this book is ending 

i say we have about four chapters left, give or take

just to prepare you 

sorry not sorry :D

billie eilish, december 21st

los angeles | CA

my phone buzzed against the sink as i brushed my teeth, the screen lighting up indicating someone had texted me. 

lilou roux <3
got the best idea
u free today?

i picked up my phone to text back, a smile growing on my face.

lilou roux <3

i like the sound of that
yh im free i just woke up tho so i need 2 get ready

okay awesome
i can come get u in like 45
& we can go get some food too

im gonna go get dressed rn

okay cutie
see u in 45?

see u in 45.

i absolutely adore doing spontaneous activities with lilou, it's always the little things that make me fall even more head over heels for the girl. i spat out my toothpaste and washed the minty foam off of my toothbrush and the corners of my mouth. 

i headed back into my bedroom and stared at my closet. it's always a challenge trying to find something to wear when you don't know what the occasion is. 

i decided i would chose my clothes based on the fact we were going out to eat, so i rummaged around for a few minutes until i found a pair of loose jeans and an slightly oversized crew neck. i just used the first shirt i saw as the layer below the sweater, with the weather right now i highly doubt i would take it off. 

at the back of the closet i found a pair of my old black and white converse. they really go with anything so i slipped them onto my feet and tied up the laces. they felt a bit snug on my feet, considering i hadn't worn them in so long my feet probably grew.

i shrugged and stood up off my floor and looked into the mirror at my outfit. 

good enough.

i grabbed my hair brush off my dresser and combed through my bed hair, getting it smooth and silky. 

"going somewhere?" mom asked walking into my bedroom with a stack of clean washing in her hand. "mhm, in a bit," i replied, focusing intently on my hair brushing. "with friends?" she asked setting down the clothes on my bed. 

"lilou," i told her. "ah, should've known," she said knowingly as i put down my brush back where it was. "should've"

"where are you going? do you know when you'll be back?" mom asked starting to walk out. "um, going to get breakfast and she's taking me somewhere, dunno where and dunno when i'll be back but when i find out i'll text you," i said opening up my box full of jewellery.

"mhm-kay," she finished, walking back down the hallway. 

i dug through the mainly silver necklaces and earrings finding my favourite set, and exchanging them for the ones i had currently on. by the time i was fully ready, lilou texted me saying she was here early.

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