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billie's name is so pretty just to look at for no reason

just realized kinda no one knows me. 

(myli you're an exception <3) (i hope no one else who reads this knows me personally..)

that's so weird wthhhhhh

imagine if i was like an old man LMAO 

i'll put thirty random things about me in the comments if you wanna read, feel free to tell me about yourself too!!!  >>>

billie eilish,  november 15th

los angeles | CA

i let out a cry as lilou put me down onto the bench in the change rooms from her arms. i felt slightly smaller than before, but it didn't feel like i had slipped. well, at least not fully. 

"you silly sausage, you gotta be more careful" lilou scolded gently, as i wiped my cheeks with the backs of my hands. "sorry lou-lou" i hiccupped. "it's okay baby, i'm not upset, just worried about you. you feeling a bit small darling?" lilou asked grabbing the two towels from her back pack.

i shrugged before nodding meekly. "maybe? yeah? not too small it seems, hey love?" 

i nodded again as she wrapped a towel around my now cold body. lilou grabbed out her own clothes and started to dry off. "are you gonna get dressed, bub?" she asked wiping her back from the water droplets. i pointed to my poor knees and whined in pain. "i know, i'm gonna fix those up in the car, but you need to put some clothes on first, can you do that for me?" 

i huffed and wrapped the towel around me tighter. "please bee? c'mon chérie. i think i have some lollipops in my car, you wanna get one?" lilou coaxed. "i want one..." i said softly. "you gotta put some clothes on then"

i let out a soft whine as i grabbed my clothes from lilou. i didn't wanna get dressed, i just wanted to go home and cuddle. i slumped my shoulders, not making any moves forward to put my clothes on. lilou was too busy putting her own clothes on to notice. 

after contemplating for about a minute with the voice in my head i decided as much as it pained me, i needed clothes on. but with no energy and motivation, i turned to lilou as she was about to start buttoning up her shirt. she looked up at me holding my clothes in my hands. "can-can you help me please? don't wanna do it myself" i asked sheepishly, looking away from her gaze after feeling my cheeks heat up. 

"you want some help? of course i can help you. did you dry off properly or have you just sat there and watched me?" lilou asked with a slight tease in her voice making me whine and cover my face with the towel.

"im just playin', here give me those" she chuckled gesturing at my clothes. i handed them over and watched her look through them. "wait a minute- you don't have any underwear do you? or a bra either? because you wore your swimsuit under your clothes?" she suddenly pondered looking at me. 

"oh. i forgotted them"

"you did, didn't you? i don't think it matters too much though, since we're just going back to your house" lilou said taking the towel off my shoulders and setting it down beside me. "do you wanna pull down your swimsuit so we can get your shirt and hoodie on?"

i hesitantly put my hand on the strap of my swimsuit chewing on my bottom lip, before looking to lilou. "i won't look at you, promise," she assured adjusting my shirt in her hands ready to put it over my head. 

trusting her, i tugged down the straps of my blue swimsuit exposing my chest, then pushing the damp material down to my waist. i shifted my gaze from my body back to lilou, putting my arms up ready for my shirt. 

the older girl slid my shirt down my arms and over my head for me. she repeated the same process again with my black hoodie, "there we go," she cooed pushing the hood down off my head. 

i smiled, a light blush spreading across my cheeks. 

lilou slid her hands below my armpits, picking me up a little and taking me down off the wooden bench, standing me on the cold floor. 

i was grateful there wasn't many people at the pool today, i'd hate to have fallen in front of a crowd, my anxiety spikes just thinking about it. 

"billie," the french girl called bringing back to reality. "wha?" i asked looking up at her through my thick lashes. "you zoned out a bit there amour, you tired?" she asked. i mumbled an incoherent response with a shrug. 

"what's on your mind petit ours?"

i shrugged again and rubbed my face. "wanna take your swimsuit down all the way?" lilou asked bunching up each leg hole of my leggings, ready for me to step into them. 

with one final over exaggerated tug on my swimsuit it fell to the floor, just skimming over my knees causing me to whimper. lilou bent down, opening up the pants for me to step into- i held onto her shoulders to keep my balance.

once the older girl got the pants around my ankles she started to pull them up over my knees. i whined loudly as the fabric rubbed my sores, pushing lilou's hands away from me. 

"i know, i know, nearly done, good girl, you're so brave billie" lilou hushed pulling them up over my hips. "lollipop lou-lou, car" i whinged, pointing out the door of the change room. "okay, let's go, darling" lilou said quickly gathering up all our belongings and stuffing them into her bag. 

she held my shoes in her left hand, my hand in her right, and the bag sat up on her shoulder. 

we walked out of the leisure center slowly because of the material rubbing painfully on my grazed knees with every step. 

tears were rolling down my cheeks by the time we got to lilou's car. she popped the trunk and put her bag down against the side. she took me in front of her and sat me in it, my knees dangling off the edge of the car. 

"okay honey let me find the bandaids, i'll get those poor little knees of yours cleaned up"

i slouched against the back seats, lips pouty and cheeks a dampened red, sucking on a lollipop. lilou chuckled lightly, smiling at me. "what you lookin' at?" i mumbled around the hard candy. "nothing, you're just cute" she grinned before blowing me a kiss and taking me down from the trunk gently. 

i looked down to my patched knees satisfied, they didn't hurt as much anymore. "t'ank you lou-lou" i said grabbing onto her arm and hugging it into my side. "you're welcome sweet girl," she replied opening up the passenger door for me. 

the taller teen helped me into the seat and buckled in me. after shutting the door, she came around the other side and sat down behind the wheel. 

"did you have fun today? i had fun. i'm sorry you slipped over, i'm sure it hurt" lilou asked buckling herself in. i nodded leaning my head on the window, " ' had fun..." i murmured. 

"i'm glad. you have tired little eyes bee, you wanna take a nap?"

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