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girls, man.

so fucking pretty.

i love being queer jesus christ

pt. two to this will come soon <3333

billie eilish, december 18th

los angeles | CA

happy birthday billie!

happy happy birthday pretty girl <3

isaac bell
happy b'day bil!

elijah bell
have an awesome birthday

sweet sixteen !! ily!!

as i checked my notifications happily, reading all the love, i was starting to get nervous when lilou's message or call never showed up. maybe she was still asleep? i mean, she never sleeps in this late, but today could be different?

i clicked on her contact and decided to quickly check.

lilou roux <3

hey lou
u up? :)

within a few moments, it showed she was typing.

yeah i'm up
how'd you sleep sweetheart?

good ig.
are u ok?

yeah, i'm alright
are u okay?

did my girlfriend just forget my birthday?

my eyes started to tear up as i typed a final message.

i'm fine thanks.
ttyl ly

i love you too?

i closed my phone and turned it over, face down on my nightstand. being on my period wasn't helping my emotions, but i kept checking that she knew my birthday and she said she did, she even put it in her calendar!

how could she forget!?

i wiped my eyes and sniffed. mood ruined.

the smell of pancakes had wafted under my door and into my room not long ago, so i decided to hop out of bed and slip on the biggest hoodie i could find before opening up my bedroom door and trudging down the hallway. 

"here's the birthday girl!" my dad cheered as he saw my presence. "hi," i murmured taking a seat at the dining table. "well hello, what's up honey? you sound very upset?" he asked turning back to the stove. "i- i think lilou forgot it's my birthday..." i said quietly.

"oh? it must be an accident, i'm sure it'll hit her soon enough. don't worry too much, you know that girl loves you to bits and wouldn't do anything like that on purpose" he reassured plating a pancake. 

i nodded, "but how could she forget? we literally talked about it last night!" i exasperated, just so baffled on how this could even happen. "don't let it weigh on you, i'm sure it'll work out" he said handing me the plate, putting down a jug of syrup next to it. 

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