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sorry for the wait!

i moved house :)

i'll be back to my normal updating again soon!!

lilou roux, november 8th

los angeles | CA

standing alone out the front of a cafe waiting for my food was super boring. my hands were only getting shakier and i could feel myself getting a bit light headed. i wanted to be with billie, incase something would happen to me. not that her small mindset could help much, i just would want her to know where i am, and that i haven't suddenly ditched the poor love.

my phone buzzed in my hand. looking at it, i saw billies number; instantly bringing a smile to my face. 

billie bear :)

billie misses u so does strawb

hi baby
i'm gonna start walking back soon
i miss you too princess
who's strawb?

strawb is bunny
i names her that cuz she pink
and me hungry so i thinks of food
and i tinks of strawb

oh my gosh bear that's such a good name for your bunny!

you tinks so?

i think so.

eeeeee yay!!
ou my tummy is making funny sounds

that's a bit funny hey b?
i think someone's hungry

uh huh
who hungry?

wanna take a guess?


yes she certainly is, isn't she!
you can have some of my food in a minute, then i'll go get you some more okay darling?

otay mommy! 
message deleted 

oh shit. 

i couldn't be prouder of what she called me, but the thing that was running through my head was she tending to get very worked up about these small things.

and that scared me. 

we're in a mall full of people, and from what i've seen her fear response is to run, well and then hide.

please don't run billie.

billie bear :)

its okay
you're okay
don't panic
i'm coming over
stay right where you are with strawb.

Ma Fille Chérie | Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now