Chapter 46

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I woke up with a sudden jolt, my hands going to my mouth to stop the scream I felt coming. I ripped the headphones out of my ears and stopped my music. The girl next to me look terrified.

"Sweetie are you okay?" She asked in a high pitched voice. My shyness got to me and I felt mortified. I shook my head no and stood up, shuffling between her and her husband, I'm guessing. He looked at me weird but I jut passed him hustling down the walkway and to Ashton's seat. Luke noticed me first, he was sitting with Michael.

"Lauren?" He said my name in the form of a question. I didn't look back at him, I just broke down into more sobs, my hands still on my mouth stifling them. I put my hand on to Ashton's shoulder and he looked at me, putting his headphones around his neck.

"Nightmare?" He asked me quietly. I nodded and he opened his arms for me. I collapsed into them and started sobbing even harder. He mumbled something to Calum then Cal got up. Ashton placed me in Calum's seat and lifted the arm rest, pulling me close to him.

"What happened?" He questioned.

"It was so much worse Ash. So, so much worse. I was in my six year old body but I was aware of everything that was about to happen. It's like my six year old self had my thirteen year old brain! I tried to talk to Mum, Ash, but she-she was gone," I started crying again. "My voice was lost in the wind and I couldn't stop anything. Why'd she die Ashton!? Why!?" I caused a scene in the middle of the airplane. Ashton didn't care though, he just held me close.

"I don't know El, but everything will be okay," he cooed.

"She was the only one who loved me," I whined into his chest. He pushed me off him and made me look him in the eyes.

"Lauren, even if you lost one who loves you, you have gained four more. There are also adoring fans who love you too. You are loved El, don't ever think that just because you lost one who loves you doesn't mean you don't have more," Ashton told me.

"But you guys aren't family," I sniffed.

"Lauren, you're crazy for thinking we aren't family. I love you with all my heart and it isn't romantic, or friendly, it's pure family love. I love you like I love my mum, Harry, and Lauren. Calum loves you like his family, Michael loves you like his, and so does Luke," Ashton informed me. I smiled lightly at him but it soon dropped when I saw the look on Luke's face. He seemed so disappointed and sad. Luke sat back in his seat and so did I.

"I think he wanted to help instead of me," Ashton whispered in my ear. I nodded. I'm just too exhausted to try to think how I'll make this up to Luke. I don't know why I ignored him, my natural instinct was to just go to Ashton. He helped me the first time I had a nightmare and I guess I do see him as a big brother.

I fisted his shirt and cuddled into his chest further.

"Do you know if Cuddles is in my bag or suitcase?" I asked him quietly. He shook his head no and I just closed my eyes. I'm not sleeping again, I don't need my earlier actions to be repeated.

. . .

I spent an agonizing two hours just staring at the seat in front of me. Ashton fell asleep about an hour ago, I felt his breathing even out and heard his small little snores.

I heard the announcement that the plane would be landing and I was so grateful. I sat up and gently shook Ashton awake. I tried to stretch in the small seat but failed.

We went down and I felt the wheels hit the ground. The plane drove to its gate and we all stood up, collecting our stuff and filing off the plane.

We had all met back up and everyone from the plane was walking to the baggage claim. I could tell they were talking about me. There were whispers and finger pointing. I soon couldn't take it and put in my headphones, following closely behind the boys, keeping my eyes on the back of their heels. Luke never looked back at me and neither did the others.

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