Chapter 19

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I woke up to a knocking on the door. I was the only one up so I shuffled out of bed and walked to the door, opening it slightly. It was a manager saying, "The van leaves at one, be ready." I nodded at him and closed the door, checking the time. It was about ten thirty so I decided to wake up the boys.

I ran over to them and jumped onto Ashton, then rolled off him and jumped around on the bed. Ashton groaned and rolled over so his back was to me.

"Why don't you love me Ash?" I fake cried. "I love you and you blow me off!? How dare you!" I started screaming a dramtic scene. I heard his distinct giggle muffled by his pillow.

"I do love you El, I'm just tired," He giggled some more.

"Well, you better get up because the van leaves at one," I said and hopped off the bed and started jumping on the bed Luke and Calum shared. They started getting up and so I went over to the couch and laid down with Michael, him wrapping his arms around my waist and keeping me from falling off.

"So you cuddle with him but not me, Babe?" Calum's grumpy voice came out.


"What time is it even?" Luke grumbled in his deep voice.

"About ten thirty, or later," I answered.

"Laur, you're really warm," Michael breathed down my neck. I started squirming around because his breath tickled the back of my neck. This only caused his grip to get tighter on me so I would stay still.

"Don't talk, your breath tickles," I giggled lightly. He planted a little kiss on my neck and we just laid.

"Get up and pack," Calum pushed our legs off the couch. I didn't really hold myself up so I ended up falling off the couch onto my back with a thud. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach.

"That knocked the wind out of me," I said breathlessly. Ashton came over to help me up but Luke jumped in the way and helped me up instead.

"Oh this is war," Ashton said in a low tone with a small smile on his face. They're going to war over me? This should be fun. Ashton ran at me and grabbed my waist then ran away. He stopped in the kitchen and hugged me close with my back up against his chest. Like a baby holds their blanket or how a toddler holds her baby doll. I squeezed my way out of his arms and ran into the living room, sadly where Luke was. He picked me up by my waist and flung me over his shoulder, this time running out into the hallway for a bigger playing field. Ashton was quick to come after us. I guess we were being loud because I saw a head pop out of a room and it just so happened to be Niall Horan's.

"Niall! Save me! They're having a war over me!" I laughed. He hopped out in gym shorts and a 5 Seconds of Summer tee. I stretched my arms and torso out for Niall. He grabbed me from underneath my armpits and pulled me out of Luke's grasp on my legs. He set me down and we sprinted towards the elevators and stairs. We hopped down the stairs, one by one. We soon heard the stomps of Ashton and Luke.

Niall and I reached the lobby and I saw Harry and Zayn.

"Over there!" I squealed and ran towards them. "Hey, so I'm running from Ashton and Luke so can you hide me under the table!?" I asked quickly. Harry pulled his chair out and I climbed under the table and he scooted back in while Niall sat at the table to cover me some more. My back was up against Harry's shins and I sat with my legs brought up to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs.

I heard two pairs of feet walk towards the table.

"Hey guys!" Ashton's Aussie accent was distinct.

"Have you seen Lauren anywhere?" Luke asked. I heard a chorus of "no's" go around the table.

"Wasn't she with you though?" Ashton asked Niall most likely.

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