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Steve was running late.

For some unknown reason his alarm hadn't gone off. And he only managed to wake up a half hour later because his bladder was so full that it felt like it was a water balloon about to burst. Which was an awful feeling that Steve definitely hoped to never experience ever again.

So, now he rushed around his apartment to get ready for work. His exhausted limbs not working as fast as he wanted them to and getting frustrated when he accidentally brushed against his nipples and felt a jolt of pain shoot through his body.

"Ow," Steve looked down at his body and gently poked his tender areola, not knowing why they'd be so –

Groaning in annoyance Steve figured that his heat would be starting soon. Although he didn't smell like pre-heat, he was suffering a lot of the symptoms: Being so fatigued that he was taking a nap when he got home from work until he had to make dinner and passing out again on the sofa as he tried to relax with a little light reading. Being nauseous nearly all the time while simultaneously craving greasy fried food. Not to mention how he longed to be in his nest at least once every couple of hours.

It was all right there in front of him. And Steve hated it. He purposely chose this pill because it kept him from having regular heats. However, every so often, he did have a heat and Steve hated it.

Admittedly, he might've liked it more if he had a mate.

Momentarily, Bucky's face popped into Steve's head. Steve shook his head to shake the thought away like an Etch a Sketch. He couldn't think about Bucky like that. He wouldn't think of him as just some knot either. Because Bucky was nice and sweet and considerate and –

Shaking his head, Steve tied his black stylish non-slip shoes and stood up way too quickly as the room began spinning and Steve sat down again. Touching his head, Steve landed back on the ottoman, feeling like he was going to barf.

Figuring that it was a combination from pre-heat symptoms and not eating breakfast in his rush, Steve cautiously rose to his feet. Crossing to the pantry, Steve grabbed a couple of granola bars. As he was slipping on his peacoat, Steve was ready to leave.

Well, almost ready.

With his hand on the doorknob, Steve realized that he wasn't wearing his hearing aids and rushed back to his bedroom. Slipping them over and in his ears, he made sure the volume was good and raced for the front door once more.

Annoyed with himself, he could just tell that this was going to be an awful day. And that was before he got stuck in traffic. Usually, he walked – even with the cold, winter breeze – but since he was running so late, he knew that he couldn't walk the half hour there and make it on time. Especially not when the cold made his limbs stiffen. So, Steve turned up the radio and sang along to the poppy song streaming through the speakers at the top of his lungs as he tried to distract himself.

On the fourth song, Steve final-fucking-ly arrived at The Met. Well, The Met's parking garage. Steve paid the fee and was lucky enough to find a good spot and raced inside.

Having difficulties clipping his employee badge to his pastel blue sweater, he simply held it out to the security guards who might not recognize him. A new assistant curator gave him an odd look and glanced to the other assistant curator, but since Sharon wasn't saying anything at seeing Steve race for his area of the museum, she didn't either.

Not necessarily running but walking so fast that Steve swore he was going to start sweating. Clearly, his pre-heat was closer to starting than he assumed. Which was just fantastic! His first heat in the past year and a half, and here he was with no alpha to help sate him. Steve rolled his eyes at himself, hating himself and his designation just a little bit.

Once he reached his place of work, he slowed down, and took a calming breath. His breathing was still erratic from the rush and Steve was paranoid that someone would catch his scent. How embarrassing would that be?

Gathering himself, Steve opened the door and bumped right into Natasha. With a quirked brow, Natasha looked over Steve and said, "You're late."

"Shh," Steve shushed, playfully elbowing her.

"Well," Natasha theatrically sniffed, "I don't smell an alpha, so I can't assume that you had a fun night with a certain brown haired blue eyed sweetie."

"Watching Friends until I passed out was pretty fun," Steve mocked.

"Sounds like you need to get a life," Natasha started preparing her station, "Or a goofy alpha fuck-toy."

Eyes widening, Steve swatted at her, "Natasha Romanoff."

All the while Natasha laughed to herself, and Steve's hindbrain started thinking that she might be onto something.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now