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"Wow," Bucky exhaled as they stood at the doorway of their room.

Steve always knew that Natasha spoiled those she loved, but even this seemed like too much. With the plush red carpet, stylish deep red wallpaper, black chandeliers, and a huge ornate white marble fireplace. It was too much. Steve knew that it must have cost too much too. Especially knowing how when Natasha made up her mind, the price tag became secondary.

Leading the way into the room, Steve paused near the large round bed as he spotted a jacuzzi tub big enough to fit four people, let alone just the two of them. Of course, Steve wasn't going to complain about the size since he wasn't exactly his tiny self at the moment.

While Bucky set their bags down on the bed, Steve crossed the room to the table where an ice filled bucket with a bottle of – Steve pulled it up – sparkling cider. Chuckling to himself, he set it back in the ice and noticed a card: Mr. & Mr. Barnes. Opening it, he read it. Welcome to Red Room Resort and Spa. Blah, blah, blah. We hope you enjoy your stay. The accompanying paper had their, Relaxation Itinerary.

Coming up behind him, Bucky rested his chin on Steve's shoulder and slid his hands around until they could rest on Squirt. Steve joked, "I'm gonna have to get Nattie something for... this."

Bucky chuckled, "Yeah? Like what?"

Steve shrugged, "Muffin basket?"

Pulling away, Bucky laughed and kissed Steve's cheek, "Doll, you have the best ideas."

"Yeah?" Steve smirked, wiggling his eyebrows to make Bucky laugh even more, "Good enough to order room service and pop open the faux bubbly?"

Kissing Steve, Bucky said, "See? The best ideas!"

Chuckling, Steve playfully shoved him before pulling him back in for another kiss. Then, Oliver pushed into his bladder, and he had to rush off to the bathroom before he peed himself. As he relieved his bladder, Bucky asked, "What are you in the mood for?"

"What is there?" Steve asked before flushing and washing his hands.

"Um," Bucky carried the menu over to the bathroom and leaned against the doorway. Brows furrowing, "A lot of fancy stuff."

Standing on his tiptoes, Steve kissed his alpha and took the menu from him. Bucky was right. It was a lot of fancy, luxurious foods. Some that Steve had never even heard of, let along tried. Nevertheless, Squirt was hungry, so Steve was determined to choose something, anything, to eat.

Taking a seat on the bed beside the phone, Steve looked up at the brunet and asked, "Do you know what you want?"

"Doll, I don't even understand half of the descriptions," Bucky answered, plopping on the bed. "Just order me whatever sounds normal."

"Got it," Steve acknowledged, picking up the receiver and dialing the kitchen. After a few rings, someone answered and Steve requested, "Yes, hi, I'd like to order some food."

"Alright, and what can I get for you this evening, sir?"

"The butternut squash risotto," Steve started, "And the rosemary pep– pap–"

"Pappardelle," the woman kindly finished.

"Yes! That!" Steve face-palmed, "Then, the ricotta ravioli and the red wine glazed short ribs. And for dessert, I'd like a slice of the pecan pie and the pumpkin ice cream sundae."

"Anything else for you?"

"Water?" Steve shrugged, glancing back at Bucky as the alpha rested with his eyes closed.

"Sure thing, we'll have it right up, sir."

"Thank you, so much," Steve hung up. Struggling to move himself further onto the bed. Steve worked up a sweat and felt like he had just worked out. As he reclined back into the mound of pillows, he commented, "Bed's comfy."

"Very comfy," Bucky agreed, yawning.

Looking at the clock radio, Steve sighed. They still had almost three hours until their massages. Thinking about getting up and retrieving the baby book, he reminded himself of how difficult it had been getting on the bed and decided against it.

Rolling over to look at Bucky, Steve curiously asked, "What were you like in high school?"

"Why?" Bucky opened an eye to peek over at Steve.

"Just trying to learn more about you," Steve shrugged, tangling his legs with Bucky's. Guessing, "You were popular, weren't you?"

"Definitely not," Bucky scoffed, snuggling closer to Steve.

"Oh, c'mon," Steve playfully encouraged, "You can tell me. A hunk like you."

"Aww, doll, you think I'm a hunk," Bucky mocked. Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky reminded, "You've seen the old pictures of me. I was a dork."

"Okay, but the early 2000s was a bad time for everyone," Steve argued, trying not to think about the emo hairstyle he had because he wanted to be like Brendon Urie. "I mean, the scar on my forehead is from my mom's flat iron."

Bucky loudly laughed at that and pulled back. Pushing Steve's hair off his face, he stroked over the scar, "That's what this is from?"

Despite laughing, himself, Steve shoved the alpha and childishly stuck his tongue out before scoffing, "At least I didn't have a mullet."

"Ouch," Bucky chuckled, touching his chest, over his heart. Then he asked, "What about you? A cutie like you? Bet you had everyone wrapped around your finger."

Steve rolled his eyes, "You've seen my pictures, you know that's not true."

"Are you kidding?" Bucky's brows furrowed, "You were the cutest! And you've only gotten better looking with age, doll."

With the kind words and those pesky pregnancy hormones, Steve started crying. Bucky pulled Steve closer and tried to soothe him. In his womb, Squirt hiccupped, and Steve sniffled, "That was just so nice."

"Aww, sweetie," Bucky chuckled, kissing Steve's forehead while he rubbed his hand over the twitching bump. Rhythmically stroking his thumb over Steve's belly button, causing him to ease, even if Oliver didn't. Kissing Steve's temple, Bucky whispered, "I hope they're handsome like you."

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now