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Just like he told Bucky he was planning to do, Steve found himself in his large jacuzzi tub. It was odd, he had lived in his apartment for... shit, how long had he lived there? Tapping his fingers on his bump as he thought. Five years? Six? Steve tried to remember, but it just wasn't coming to him. Not like it was all that important.

This must be pregnancy brain, Steve sighed.

The point was, out of all the years that he had lived there, he rarely used the tub. Always hopping in the shower and cleaning himself as diligently and as quickly as possible. Now though, he couldn't get enough of it. Just letting his body relax when it seemed to be so overworked making a new life.

On the side of the tub, Greg sat bathing her face and occasionally meowing at Steve. Each time, he responded with a, "yeah, yeah, yeah," since he hadn't quite mastered the baby talk thing yet. Or even just talking to her the way that Bucky did. Steve swore, Bucky could talk till the cows came home, holding a one-sided conversation with the cat all damn day.

Sometimes, Steve would watch in amusement. Other times, he wanted Bucky to zip his lips so he could nap. But Steve figured that was the hormones bringing out his short temper.

While his left hand rubbed his belly, his right hand scrolled through Pinterest. Pinning nursery ideas and furniture. Just a regular night for him. Well, a regular night minus Bucky. But Steve wasn't supposed to be thinking of Bucky. He was supposed to be distracting himself from thinking of his alpha.

Wait! No! Not MY alpha, Steve chastised himself. Just because he and Bucky were living together and having a baby, didn't mean that Bucky was his alpha. Hell, for all he knew, Bucky could've been making a fool of himself dancing with some young, desirable omega with long legs and rhythm.

Just then, a text from Boo Bear came in. Steve instantly clicked on the notification and melted further into the tub. It was just a simple, "Miss you," but it was enough. Steve knew that he shouldn't be as attached to Bucky as he was. After all, his mom used to tell him stories where his father was hopelessly romantic, a wonderful dancer, and was, "handsome as the devil."

And what happened to him? He left. Just like the few boyfriends she had after that. Just like Steve's own exes. Just like Mandy's husband. Even though Bucky was good now, didn't mean that he would be good forever.

Nevertheless, Steve replied with a picture of his wet belly. The curvature of it keeping his modesty as he sent, "We miss you too."

When his fingers were pruney and the perfumed water was only lukewarm, he pulled the plug and carefully climbed out of the tub. Making sure to pet Greg – so she wouldn't yowl at him like last time – and thoroughly dried himself off. Finding it more difficult to get everything the way that he used to since Squirt inconveniently blocked things.

While he rubbed some lotion on his bump, another text came through. "Wish I had stayed."

Steve frowned at his phone, "Aren't you having *any* fun?"

"Maybe a little," Bucky replied, and Steve shook his head as a small smile tugged at his lips. Especially when Bucky sent, "But it'd be more fun if you were here."

Content, Steve sent him a kissy face emoji. Taking out his contacts and placing them in their case, he had to pick up his glasses when his phone vibrated again. "Naomi's off the table entirely. She just attempted to devour Gabe's face."

Laughing at that, Steve told him, "That's okay, I wasn't going to suggest it anyway." Then, figuring that he didn't want to take his glasses to bed, he informed, "Heading to bed."

With that out of the way, he turned off the light and plugged his phone into the charger. Deciding to leave his hearing aids in until Bucky got home, he pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. It was odd not having Bucky there. Even before they moved in together, they were sleeping in the same bed more often than not. As it turned out, Steve hated not having Bucky there behind him with his hand on Squirt and his nose in his neck.

So, when Steve was startled awake a few hours later, he was surprised that he had fallen asleep to begin with. What he wasn't surprised by was the way Bucky paused his movements to undress when he realized he had woken Steve up.

Rubbing his eyes, Steve groggily questioned, "What time's it?"

"Um," Bucky checked his phone, "Eleven."

Brows furrowing, Steve tiredly teased, "That's it?"

"I'm an old man," Bucky joked, pulling off his jeans and kicking them towards his dresser, out of the way.

"I'll say," Steve scoffed, pulling the blankets back and climbing out of bed. Relieving his bladder, Steve asked, "D'ya have fun at least?"

Shrugging, Bucky squeezed some of the toothpaste onto his toothbrush, "It was nice hanging out, but I wish you had gone."

"And drag the whole party down because I fall asleep at nine?" Steve scoffed, flushing the toilet, and washing his hands in the sink closest to him in the double vanity.

"Yeah, well, I fall asleep at nine too," Bucky chuckled.

Crossing his arms above Squirt, Steve leaned against the vanity counter and teased, "You get anyone's number?"

"No," Bucky scoffed, placing his toothbrush back in the holder and wiping his face. "I'm not interested in getting anyone's number."

Steve smiled to himself, and Bucky kissed his temple. Waiting for Steve to exit the bathroom first, Bucky turned the light off and tugged his shirt from over his head. As Steve climbed back into bed, he pulled the blankets more to the center of the bed so he wasn't hogging them all.

Sans prosthetic and in only his boxer briefs, Bucky crawled up the bed and under the covers. While he got situated, Steve removed his hearing aids. Although he had lost a lot of his hearing due to complications with the chronic illnesses he suffered from as a child, he wasn't completely deaf. But when they settled in their usual positions, Steve didn't need to be able to hear Bucky as he pressed his lips to the back of his neck, wordlessly wishing him a goodnight. In his own silent reply, Steve laced their hands together as they rested over Squirt, wishing their baby a goodnight too.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now