"I can't believe we're having a baby," Bucky said for the fifth time since they left the doctor office. Still sounding just as in awe now as he did then, if not more so. At least now he had put the ultrasound picture away in his wallet.

Steve slurped on his pistachio milk shake and smiled because Bucky was cute. And Steve was glad that he was having a baby with him. Lord knows that Steve had been with some shitty alphas before, so clearly, he could've done far worse than Bucky Barnes. But Steve also didn't want to get too attached and daydream about a, "them," that might not even happen since Steve had practically avoided Bucky for three months, barring Friendsgiving.

And why would an alpha as appealing as Bucky ever want an omega like Steve?

Shaking his head, Steve tried not to think about that and gained the attention of Bucky as he asked, "What?"

"You're adorable," Steve shrugged, shoving his empty shake glass to the edge of the table, so the waitress would have an easier time clearing the table.

Blushing, Bucky looked at the glass, "Do you want another shake?"

"I probably shouldn't," Steve chuckled, eating some of his chili cheese fries.

"Are you sure?" Bucky kindly questioned while assuring, "It's no trouble."

"I'm sure," Steve smiled, "Thanks though."

"Don't mention it," Bucky winked, causing butterflies to flutter in Steve's gut.

The pair were at this hole in the wall diner that Bucky had suggested when Steve mentioned how hungry he was after the appointment. Apparently, they had, "bomb-ass chili cheese fries." Or so Bucky claimed in an attempt to, "convince," Steve to join him. Even though Steve was more than ready to accept the offer, he let Bucky throw his pitch anyway.

As it turned out, the chili cheese fries were definitely bomb-ass good. He'd definitely have to come back soon. Maybe even make this a ritual. Or whatever. Where after every appointment they came to get bomb-ass chili cheese fries and pistachio milkshakes with extra cherries on top.

Relaxing back in the worn vinyl seat, Steve rubbed his full stomach, content with how the day had gone. Content with the alpha sitting across from him. Content with how the appointment had gone. Content with seeing their baby for the first time. Just... content.

"So, are you going to tell your parents? Ya know, since it's confirmed that we're for sure having a baby?" Bucky asked, sneaking a chili cheese fry off Steve's plate.

Steve allowed the alpha to share his food and pushed plate closer to the middle of the table. Appetite disappearing as he thickly swallowed. Not exactly sure how to say this. Picking the paper straw wrapper, Steve clarified, "I don't, uh... I don't... my mom passed."

Glancing up to gauge Bucky's reaction, Steve found the brunet slack-jawed. Realizing what just happened, Bucky quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry, Steve. I had no idea. I wouldn't have asked if I had."

"It's okay," Steve reassured with a half-shrug, "You didn't know, and it happened a while ago."

Reaching across the table, Bucky took Steve's hand in his and stroked his callused thumb over Steve's knuckles for a moment. Not saying anything, just trying to comfort Steve even though he didn't really need comforting. It was still nice to have it though, so Steve didn't try to stop him.

Trying to ease the awkwardness, Steve joked, "I think that's why Nattie throws so many parties; she doesn't want me to be alone on the holidays."

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now