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After the toddlers performed, Frosty, the Snowman, and after the five and six year olds did a much better job at performing, O Christmas Tree, it was time for Harper's class. Steve only knew this because the entire Barnes family loudly cheered.

From the stage, Harper broadly waved before taking her stance. Steve couldn't help but watch fondly as the class began their, Run Rudolph Run, routine. The only nice thing Steve could say was that, well, at least their reindeer dresses looked adorable, and they seemed to be having fun.

"She's a natural, huh?" Mandy leaned over to tell Steve.

Smiling, Steve nodded and agreed, "Definitely."

All through the dance, the class was off beat, and Steve could tell that one of the little boys was annoyed with them. Giving them dirty looks as they stumbled over themselves, started late, and just completely forgot the moves altogether. Steve felt for the kid. Even though he did find it adorable. Especially with how Harper completely danced off-beat the entire time.

At the end of their performance Steve cheered just as loud as the rest of the Barneses. Enjoying the way they supported each other, Steve was glad that they accepted him as one of theirs. Another part of their pack. Steve's heart couldn't help but skip a beat at that revelation.

With the next age group class coming on stage, Steve realized that his bladder was now full, and he needed to leave. Pronto! Standing, Steve went to excuse himself, only Bucky stopped him, "Everything okay?"

"Gotta pee," Steve quickly reassured before making his way down the row of Barneses until he was at the aisle. Almost tripping over his own feet once he got there too. Which was long enough for Tibby – with Lucy on her chest and Sadie in tow – to catch up.

"Potty train," Tibby softly giggled, following Steve.

Steve, all the while, nearly sprinted towards the lobby where the restrooms were. When he finally reached the bathroom, he was glad to find that there wasn't a line and rushed over to one of the unoccupied stalls. Finally able to relieve his bladder, Steve felt so good that he let out a deep huff, content.

"Uncle 'Teve, you in here?" Sadie called out.

"Yup," Steve confirmed, shaking his head and smiling.

"Uncle 'Teve?" Sadie pushed on the locked stall door.

"Just a minute, sweetie," Steve told her as he finished up.

"Sadie, you can't just run off," Tibby scolded once she entered the bathroom with a crying Lucy.

"'M sorry," Sadie apologized.

After Steve zipped his close-to-snug jeans and flushed the toilet, he opened the stall door. Finding Tibby changing Lucy's diaper and Sadie twirling around in front of the sinks. Steve couldn't help but smile at the little girl and the way she marveled at the way her sparkly skirt puffed up from the air when she spun.

"Sadie, go potty," Tibby told the four year old while Steve washed his hands.

The tiny brunette dramatically sighed and hung her head when she headed for a stall, "Okay."

Chuckling under his breath, Steve dried his hands. Tibby glanced over her shoulder, and she joked, "Wanna change a diaper? For practice?"

"No, that's okay," Steve shook his head, nervously laughing. Knowing that he desperately needed the practice, but not wanting his offspring's aunt to think he was completely inept.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now