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Almost as soon as the shower started, Steve's stomach grumbled. Nuzzling further into his nest, Steve tried to ignore his hunger. Hoping that his alpha's scent could lull him into another nap. At least, until Bucky was done bathing and they could do something for dinner.

However, just like with everything in life, the more Steve ignored it, the more unavoidable it became. His stomach loudly roared in its hunger and, annoyed, Steve tossed the bedspread off himself. Climbing from the couch, Steve grabbed his phone and headed for his bathroom.

Pausing in his bedroom, right outside the bathroom door, Steve took in a deep breath and knocked. From the shower, Bucky called, "Yeah?"

Cracking the door, Steve said, "I'm thinking about ordering some Indian. Is that okay?"

"Of course, honey. Order whatever you want."

Nodding, Steve chewed on his thumbnail, "What do you want?"

"Um," Bucky paused.

Steve peeked his head around the door, getting a glance of Bucky's ass through the fogged glass shower doors. Retreating, so Bucky didn't think he was some voyeuristic weirdo, Steve silently waited. His stomach grumbling the whole time.

"How about some samosa and chicken madras?"

"Do you care what kind of samosa?" Steve asked, hearing the shower turn off.


Unintentionally getting a glance of Bucky's flaccid penis in the mirror's reflection as the alpha dried off, Steve turned his gaze to the floor and ignored the sudden rush of arousal. Harshly biting down on his lower lip, Steve asked, "Anything else?"

"I'm good."

As Bucky opened the door further, Steve came face to face with Bucky's naked torso. While Drunk Steve had gotten acquainted with all those muscles, Drunk Steve didn't notice the deep, prominent scars. Probably because they didn't turn any of the lights on and they could only see each other thanks to the moonlight streaming in through his curtains. Starting on his left pec, deep, angry red scars stretched around Bucky's left shoulder. It hurt Steve just looking at it.

"Excuse me," Bucky softly said.

Blinking, Steve stepped out of his way and quickly snapped out of his trance. Coming back to himself, Steve dropped his gaze entirely as Bucky started getting dressed. Instantly, Steve apologized, "Sorry. I... I just... I thought you were going to change in the bathroom. I'm going to, um, order food. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," Bucky pulled on a pair of joggers. Cautiously, Steve peeked over at him, and Bucky started rubbing the towel over his short brown hair as he turned around to face him, "You were bound to see them eventually, right?"

Steve shrugged. He wasn't sure what to say. Holding himself, Steve wasn't sure what he should do with himself. Although he was curious, he wasn't going to ask him about it. Especially since he knew how touchy he was in regards to his own features.

Despite not wanting to make Bucky uncomfortable with asking questions, he found himself worrying, "Does it hurt?"

"Occasionally," Bucky pulled on a loose-fit t-shirt, "Not as bad as when it first happened."

"What... uh... what happened?" Steve asked even though he didn't want to make the alpha uncomfortable.

"IED in Iraq," Bucky answered, placing his former clothes in his bag.

Surprised, Steve lamely asked, "You were in the army?"

"Sergeant Barnes, reporting for duty," Bucky mocked, zipping his bag and earning a small smile from Steve. Crossing the room, Bucky snaked his arm around Steve's waist and pulled him in as he suggested, "How about we call that restaurant, now?"

At that exact moment, Steve's stomach rumbled as though it was agreeing with him. Earning a chuckle from Bucky, the brunet leaned down to kiss Steve's forehead. As Bucky started to walk, Steve was made to walk too. Backwards, at that. So, it was clearly a good thing that Bucky's strong arm was supporting him. And for a moment, it reminded Steve of dancing.

"What do you want again?" Steve asked, blushing that he had forgotten already. Defending himself, "I've had a long week."

Playfully, Bucky pouted as he walked them over to the couch and nuzzled into Steve's neck as he asked, "You've had a long week? Honey, you could've called me sooner."

"Well, you're here now," Steve answered, easing into the nest.

"I'm here now," Bucky assured. Draping the plush bedspread over Steve's still slender frame as he offered, "How about I call?"

"Would you?" Steve asked, burying himself further into the nest and breathing in that musky alpha scent that was really easing just about every cell in his body. Gesturing towards the kitchen, he said, "The restaurant's menu is on the fridge."

"'Kay," Bucky kissed his temple and crossed over to the kitchen. Removing the menu from under the sprinkle donut magnet. Placing it on the island counter, Bucky entered Steve's bedroom again and returned a couple minutes later. Pausing briefly at the sofa, Bucky ran his hand – currently his only one – through Steve's hair, pushing it away from Steve's face as he asked, "What do you want, honey?"

Steve closed his eyes. Fully ready to fall asleep if his stomach would chill for two seconds. Forcing his eyes open, Steve playfully pushed Bucky's hand away and complained, "I can't think with you marking me."

"Sorry," Bucky chuckled, clearly not sorry at all as he simply tucked the bedspread closer around Steve's petite frame.

Of course, he wanted the same thing that he had currently gotten the past three times he had ordered from them. "Um, I starred my usual."

"Okay," Bucky marked Steve once more before crossing the kitchen.

As Bucky contacted the restaurant and started placing their order, Steve's eyes fluttered closed. Wondering if there was a way to bottle Bucky's scent so he could wear it every day and be this relaxed all the time.

"Foods on its way," Bucky softly informed.

"Mmm," Steve hummed, too cozy to do anything else. Especially when Bucky took a seat on the sofa and rubbed over his legs. Trying to make it more comfortable for both of them, Steve placed his feet in Bucky's lap. The alpha didn't seem to mind as he started rubbing them all the same. Even if he was a little shit who purposely stroked his finger down the sole of Steve's foot, tickling him, and causing Steve to open on eye to glare at him.

"Jerk," Steve teasingly muttered, curling in on himself as he closed his eyes once more.

Bucky playfully whined as he tugged at Steve's leg, but remained outside of the nest. Knowing that an omega's nest was a sacred thing that was meant to bring an omega comfort. It being even more sacred when an omega was pregnant.

Quietly, Bucky asked, "Stevie, can I enter your nest?"

Not even having to think about it, Steve removed one hand from under the blanket and held it out for Bucky. An invitation as he moved closer to the edge, so Bucky could squeeze in behind him, causing more of that freshly chopped Christmas tree scent to wrap around him.

Of course, if they moved in together, then Bucky's scent wouldn't fade.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now