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By the time that Harper's recital came around, Bucky and Steve were tiptoeing towards inseparable. Either Steve asking Bucky to stay at his or asking if he could stay at Bucky's. Depending on how much he craved that calming scent. How much Steve allowed his hindbrain to control his actions. Which he already hated since his body was being dictated by his three inch occupant.

Speaking of the baby...

For nearly a half hour, Steve found himself hugging the toilet as Bucky's Famous Jalapeno Chili Mac quickly evacuated his petite frame. Along with everything else Steve had eaten that day. Behind him, Bucky rubbed his back and apologized for the billionth time.

"We don't have to go," Bucky reminded, still rubbing his back. "I can draw you a bath and then we can cuddle in your nest until bedtime."

"No, we ha–" Steve heaved, but nothing came up. Lowering the seat and lid, he flushed the toilet and leaned back to relax against Bucky, telling him, "We have to go. Harper is expecting us there and considering this is the first recital I'll be going to; I want to be there."

Scent marking Steve's small bump over the white under shirt, Bucky kissed Steve's slightly sweaty temple, "Well, honey, there will be more recitals."

"But not this one," Steve whined, letting his head fall back against Bucky's broad shoulder.

Bucky chuckled, "It's the Christmas recital that's been pushed back four times."

"So?" Steve good-humoredly scoffed.

"So," Bucky mocked. Kissing the side of Steve's head again, Bucky reminded, "It's February."

"Early February," Steve rolled his eyes and moved to stand. Bucky quickly helped and Steve got to work washing his hands and brushing his teeth. Around the toothbrush, Steve defiantly stated, "I am going to sit there and cheer for Harper the Red Nose Ballerina even if I have to cling to the trashcan!"

"God, I love it when you're stubborn," Bucky teased, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist, and playfully nipping at his neck. Even going so far as to softly growl.

Rolling his eyes again, Steve swatted Bucky away so he could finish cleaning up. As he spit the foamy dregs into the sink, Steve said, "I think we can put black beans on the, Nope! Definitely not! Do not feed, Steve! List."

Although the list started as a joke, it was quickly becoming valuable. Wiping his face, Steve slipped out of his button down and pulled off his under shirt as he entered his closet for some clean clothes. Deciding on a black turtleneck, Steve changed out of his snug gray slacks and grabbed a pair of nice jeans. Steve went to do up the button and realized that it was a struggle.

"You gotta be shitting me," Steve groaned in annoyance. They weren't the tightest fit, and the zipper was able to go up, but the button still wasn't closing.

"Need help?" Bucky peeked into the walk-in.

"Please," Steve sighed, meeting Bucky halfway.

Tugging at the denim material, Bucky suggested, "Maybe try a different pair?"

Slumping, Steve agreed, "Fine."

As Steve turned around to find another pair of pants to wear, Bucky stopped him. Playfully, Bucky groped his ass as he teased, "Maybe we can find a way for you to still wear these."

Shaking his head, Steve pushed the – now – chuckling alpha away from himself. When Bucky jokingly made grabby hands for him, Steve swatted in his direction before grabbing a pair of lighter wash jeans. While he exchanged the pants, Bucky leaned against the doorway of his closet, just affectionately watching him.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now