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Sitting in his Volvo, Steve looked up at the quaint building connected to a large garage. The neon sign blinked, Barnes Auto Repair, and Steve tried to match his heart to the rhythm. Briefly, glancing down at the card Bucky had left with the Brooklyn address and the handwritten request, "call me." A part of Steve was hoping that he'd be brave enough to do this. Especially when he chickened out on Natasha's parties. Both the Christmakwanzakah and New Year's.

Another part of him piped up, You don't have to tell him. You never have to see him again, if you don't want to.

Only, if he were in Bucky's position, he'd want to know. So, Steve took in a deep breath, finally cut the engine, and climbed out of his SUV. With a breeze blowing coolly on his exposed face, Steve pulled his coat tighter. Christmas and New Year's had passed, and Steve was completely over winter.

That probably had more to do with the embryo growing in his uterus and fucking up his body more than a virus.

Subtly, Steve touched his abdomen. Pulling his shoulders back, Steve tried to exude confidence and pushed open the heavy glass door. A woman with graying curly brown hair sat at the reception counter and flashed him a large smile as she greeted him, "Hi, sweetie, how can we service you today?"

"Um, actually –" Steve's heart pounded aggressively against his ribcage and his hands were clammy "– I was wondering if I could talk to Bucky."

Momentarily, the alpha's brows furrowed before she stood from behind the counter and confirmed, "Sure thing, sugar. I'll be right back."

"Thanks," Steve managed a small smile on his face.

Once he was left alone in the waiting room, Steve let out a deep sigh. Desperately wondering if this was the right thing. It was, wasn't it? The butterflies in his gut didn't think so.

Or was it the fetus?

Shaking his head, he wrung his hands and busied himself with the pictures on the wall. This was a family business. Spanning all the way back to the 50s. Or at least, that was the first picture where the mechanics stood in front of the shop with their arms wrapped around one another. Which seemed to be a tradition. When he gazed at the ones with Bucky featured, Steve smiled. Momentarily wondering if their baby would look like him. Considering how handsome the brunet was, Steve didn't think he'd mind if they did.

With the sound of the door closing, Steve turned to find Bucky. Even covered in grease, he was the most handsome man – alpha or otherwise – that Steve had ever seen. It just wasn't fair.

When Bucky spotted Steve, a smile stretched across his face, "Hey."

"Hi," Steve smiled before chewing on his lower lip.

Wiping the grease off his hands – both flesh and prosthetic – with a dirty, red rag, Bucky teased, "I hoped for a phone call or a text, but this is better."

Steve's stomach swirled around, and he asked, "Can we talk?" When the older woman returned, he lowered his voice, "Somewhere a little more... private?"

Bucky's brows furrowed and he studied Steve as he nodded, "Yeah, of course."

Gesturing for the door, Steve walked out in front of him. Outside, there were benches and Steve took a seat. Bucky took a seat beside him. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Bucky playfully prompted, "I take it you weren't hoping for a date."

"I'm pregnant."

Steve blurted. His mouth deciding that straight to the point was the best option. Steve studied Bucky. The alpha looked frozen in his shock and just looked at Steve with wide eyes and slack jawed. Steve could relate.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now