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It took all of twenty minutes for Steve to decide to stay home. It took ten minutes later to order a pizza and another five minutes to start doing some research.

Considering Steve was an omega he was shocked by all the things he hadn't learned in school. But that's a rant for another time. Like all the infections that could occur during pregnancy such as chorioamnionitis, toxoplasmosis, and omphalitis. Just to name a few. And Steve knew that he was never going to remember any of them by name or symptoms.

Frankly, it was all overwhelming him.

First to find out that he was pregnant and then finding out all things that could go wrong with said pregnancy? He couldn't even lie to himself say that things were going to be fine because he had no idea what any of this stuff felt like. Would it feel like his normal aches and pains? Or would it feel like the flu? And how would he know if he had enough amniotic fluid? Was there a way to test for that?

When he terrified himself with knowledge enough for the night, Steve put his phone away and cuddled up to the pillows in his nest. Wondering what he wanted to do. Wondering what he could do.

Was he really cut out for this?

After all, he still felt like a kid himself. How was he expected to raise one? Especially without the help from his mother. She would've been an amazing grandmother.

Of course, when he thought about someone else raising his baby, he couldn't agree with that either. It just felt... not like him.

As he got his pizza, he decided to clear his mind with some trash TV. Some tabloid fodder reality TV cesspool. Admittedly, Teen Parents probably wasn't the best show for him to watch. But he was already three episodes in and completely invested in the relationship drama.

"What an ass," Steve commented around a bite of goat cheese and anchovy pizza. Agreeing with the omega's friends, that they should leave the alpha, "Leave his ass!"

Hearing about how the alpha had been kind and sympathetic when they first got together, only for things to change once the baby was born was worrisome. Especially since the couple had hooked up at a party and thought that it was only a one night stand.

It made Steve worry about Bucky.

Only getting the smallest bit of relief thinking about how they were both adults and – hopefully – more mature than the teens on the show. Not that that meant Bucky couldn't still be a dick. After all, his own father had turned out like the terrible partners on the show.

Done with the pizza, Steve laid in his nest. Just... contemplating what he should do. The pregnancy would probably be hell on his body. Hell, he'd have to get off over half of his medications and his arthritis could go out of remission. Was he up to have that life?

Would Bucky be up for it?

Would Bucky think he did this on purpose?

Would Bucky hate him?

Annoyed with the situation as a whole, Steve thought that maybe he should wash his hands of the whole situation. End it before anything started. But in the pit of his stomach Steve knew that he personally couldn't do it.

Placing his hands on his still flat stomach, Steve knew that he wasn't getting any younger. And more than that, he was afraid that he wouldn't get this opportunity again.

Above all else though, Steve wished that his mom was still alive. She'd support him no matter what decision he made. She'd have some advice to give him too.

Before he knew it, Steve was crying. The tears freely and quickly fell from his eyes, wetting his temples and the pillow he was laying on. All he wanted was his mom. Hoping that she would've been able to help him make the most important decision of his life. Either to keep things the same or to change everything.

Steve was never one who liked change. He didn't rearrange furniture. He didn't try foods he knew he didn't like. He didn't read novels from different genres than the ones he felt particularly invested in.

But if he continued this pregnancy, everything would change. Even if he gave the baby up for adoption, he'd never be the same after something like that. And if he decided to raise this baby, it wouldn't just be him who was different, but everything in his life.

Depending on if Bucky wanted to be a part of this, his life would be changed too.

Steve really needed to figure this out. So, he climbed out of his nest and went for the pantry. Finding a box of Funfetti cake mix, Steve decided that it would do and got to work baking his feelings.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now