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Going into his thirty-fifth week, and the day before Steve's thirtieth birthday, Steve and Bucky moved into their first house.  With the help of their friends and family, of course.

            "Ya just gonna sit around all day, Rogers?"  Sam asked as he carried another box into the quaint house with, "room to grow," as Mandy teased when she showed them the cozy three bedroom house.

            Lightly bouncing on the green exercise ball, Steve took one of his hands off Squirt to flip his friend off.  Meanwhile, Sam's mate, T'Challa, playfully reminded in his thick Wakandan accent, "Considering he pulled a muscle when he helped us move into our home, I think it's probably best that he doesn't even try."

            Rolling his eyes, Steve kept bouncing, wanting to be prepared for labor as much as possible. Even though he knew that no matter what, he'd never be truly prepared.  There were too many stories shared for Steve to even think he'd be an ounce as prepared as he liked to be.  Of course, that wasn't going to stop him from trying.

            "Dad, tell Obi to stop teasing me," Sam and Khali's ten year old daughter said as she carried Steve's body pillows into the house.

            Before either father could reprimand the twelve year old, he entered the house and mocked, "Pops, tell Adanna to stop looking so funny, then I wouldn't feel the need to tease her."

            Pausing her unpacking of the kitchen, Natasha joked, "You sure you wanna go through with this?"

            Fondly, Steve looked down at Squirt and marked his bump, "I've never been more sure."

            Pretending to gag, Natasha resumed putting dishes in the assigned cabinet.  Across from her, Tibby asked, "What about you, Nattie?  You ever think about settling down?"

            "Nah," Natasha started, causing Steve to stop bouncing.  Ignoring him, Natasha said, "But I do have a date tonight."

            "No shit?"  Steve's brows arched.

            From the sofa, Sadie repeated, "No shit!"

            Instantly, Steve's eyes went wide, and he covered his mouth with his hand.  Especially since whatever Sadie did, Gracie had to too.  So, she copied her slightly older cousin, "Shit!  Shit!"

            "No," Steve shook his head, standing from the exercise ball to reprimand the giggling girls as they jumped on the new sectional sofa, "That's a no-no word."

            "But you said it," Sadie argued, putting her hands on her hips.

            "That's true," Steve agreed, "But I'm an adult.  So, I'm allowed to say no-no words."

            "Well, that's just –"

            "Shit!"  Gracie comedically interrupted Sadie.

            Loudly from the hallway, Bucky and Sam laughed.  Turning to find the men, Steve's face burned red.  Knowing that he needed to get into the habit of not swearing.  Even if Squirt wouldn't be able to speak for a while, he was still around impressionable children.  Clearly.

            "Well," Winnie pressed her lips together to keep herself from laughing.  "How's everyone's day?"

            "Shit!"  Gracie and Sadie parroted.

            Steve face-palmed, internally scolding himself.  Really, Steve should've known better.  That little voice in the back of his mind sounding like Sarah Rogers herself.  Knowing that she would've told him that this is what he gets for swearing, and to watch his language!

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now