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Bucky gently removed his arm from around Steve's waist, and effectively woke Steve up. Having grown comfortable with the alpha's hand resting on his tiny baby bump, Steve grabbed onto his wrist. As Bucky was attempting to get up from the couch and trying to climb out of the nest, he paused with Steve's grip on his body.

"Where're you going?" Steve drowsily asked, having a hard time focusing on Bucky and realizing he wasn't wearing his glasses. Since the blurriness was giving him a headache, he closed his eyes again.

"Food's here," Bucky explained, pressing a kiss to Steve's temple. "Ya gotta let go, honey."

Rolling onto his back, Steve pursed his lips. Thankfully, Bucky seemed to understand what he wanted because he leaned down and pressed a sweet, chaste kiss to his lips. When another knock came at the door, Steve let go of Bucky's wrist and refrained from pouting when Bucky climbed off the couch.

Rubbing at his eyes, Steve sat up. Figuring that his glasses were on the side table, Steve felt around until his fingers touched them. As Bucky was informing the delivery person to, "Keep the change," Steve groaned in annoyance because he wanted to pay. Wanted to pay at least once, considering Bucky had paid every other time the pair had gotten together.

With his glasses on, Steve climbed from the couch and crossed his arms along his chest. Once Bucky reached the kitchen, he paused and asked, "What?"

"I could've paid," Steve reminded, opening the cabinet with the plates. Grabbing two of the lighter weight ones, Steve set them on the island counter as Bucky set down the bag of food.

"I know," Bucky started unpacking the bag, "But I wanted to let you sleep."

Poking Bucky's side, Steve caused the brunet to squirm away as he fondly complained, "Jerk."

Bucky smiled in reply and kissed the top of Steve's head. Blushing, Steve kept his face down, so the alpha wouldn't be able to see the effect he had on him. After all, Steve highly doubted that Bucky would be so lovey dovey if Steve wasn't carrying his pup.

Then again...

After their plates were made and they had some limeade – something else that Steve had been craving – the pair made their way back into the living room. Although Steve rarely ever ate in the living room before pregnancy, now he just wanted to be in his nest. Especially when it was filled with such an addictive alpha and his intoxicating scent.

As Steve started digging into his meal, he glanced at the TV. Having to do a double take, Steve confirmed that he had seem it correct the first time. Trying to refrain from smiling, Steve casually asked, "Why are we watching an omrom?"

"Um," Bucky chewed slowly as he thought, "Because it's a good one."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve good-naturedly scoffed, "You would like omega romances."

"It's a good one," Bucky defended himself.

Narrowing his eyes to study the alpha, he clarified, "So, you're not watching it just because you assume that I like omroms simply because I'm an omega?"

"No," Bucky shoved some more food into his mouth, "As long as you don't assume that I don't like them because I'm an alpha."

"Fair enough," Steve agreed.

During the commercial break, another cheesy – definitely damaging – romance was advertised where an intelligent, successful, content omega met an alpha who was instantly interested in them. However, the omega wasn't interested in the alpha at all. So, the alpha started popping up at restaurants and the library and the grocery store and any other public place she went to until she finally gave him a shot.

Steve must've missed that in the How to Win Over an Omega Handbook where, "no," meant, "convince me."

At the end of the preview, the title card of, Suitors and True Lovers, popped up on the screen. Steve rolled his eyes because that wasn't exactly how it went in real life. Steve's neighbor was enough proof of that.

Nevertheless, Steve finished his meal and cozied up with Bucky. Which, admittedly, did help some. Looking up at the brunet, Steve teased, "Never would've expected you to be a hopeless romantic."

"Blame my parents," Bucky chuckled. Steve giggled and Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve. Once their laughter died down, Bucky started, "Speaking of parents..."

"Bucky," Steve groaned in playful annoyance as he told the alpha, "You don't have to wait for something about parents to come up before bringing up your parents."

"I know," Bucky assured, even though Steve wasn't too sure he did. Bucky started marking him, which made Steve lift his head to look up at him. Bucky purposely avoided looking at Steve and his scent became nervous. Making him nauseous, Steve stopped Bucky from marking him anymore while his scent was shifting into one of unease. However, that only made Bucky's scent grow more nervous.

Attempting to appease Bucky, Steve rose to his knees. Tenderly taking Bucky's face in his hands, he guided the man to nuzzle into his scent gland. Thankfully, Bucky inhaled deeply, and his scent started to creep closer to content. Steve encouraged him to continue and stroked the back of Bucky's neck. Pleasantly surprised when an alpha purr escaped the man. Steve pressed his lips together to refrain from chuckling in his glee of making Bucky so comfortable that he purred.

Clearing his throat, Bucky stopped the happy guttural rumble and pulled back from Steve as he sheepishly apologized, "Sorry."

Sitting on his feet, Steve shrugged, "It's okay."

Steve's brows arched so high on his forehead that it felt like they were in his hairline. Bucky was still avoiding looking at Steve as he continued, "And I was thinking that maybe, you'd want to come to our family night... to meet them. And to meet my sisters... Like, just because we're all going to be in each other's lives..."

Not sure what to do, Steve looked over at the TV. Only, the current omrom was showing the omega protagonist meeting the love interest's family. Steve dropped his gaze down to his lap. It had been so long since Steve had had to meet someone's family. And even then, they usually broke up soon after.

Chewing on his nail, Steve felt his own nerves racing around and bouncing off each other. Since Bucky had a point with them being in each other's lives for the rest of their lives, Steve knew that he would have to meet them sooner or later.

Clearing his throat, Steve asked, "When?"

"This Sunday."

So, sooner it was...

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now