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Sitting on the floor with tear stained cheeks, Greg came out from the bedroom to join him in the kitchen. Rubbing herself against Steve while he just felt worse. He felt guilty.

As he should.

Petting Greg's long, soft fur, Steve asked, "It wouldn't be so bad, right? Living around family? I mean, there's that saying about needing a village to raise a baby. And Bucky's family is almost as big as a village."

While Greg purred, Steve knew that he needed to find Bucky. Half knowing that the alpha wouldn't return until asked and half afraid that he'll never come back even then. The worst of it all was that Steve knew, deep in his bones, that he needed Bucky.

Reaching for his phone, he dialed Bucky's number. Only, the counter that Steve was leaning against started vibrating, meaning that Bucky didn't have his phone. So, he called the one person who knew Bucky as well as his family did but would certainly be less embarrassing. On the third ring, Natasha's raspy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Steve," he lamely greeted and quietly face-palmed. While he didn't want to admit to his best friend that he chased the kind-hearted alpha off, Steve knew he needed to be honest. Taking in a deep breath, he explained, "So, let's say that I freaked out on Bucky and told him to leave. Where would he go?"

"Well," Natasha paused and there was some rustling on the other end, "How bad was this freak out?"

Steve winced as his mind ran over the argument, "I might've insinuated that he spent too much time with his family and that it was a bad thing. And then yelled that he should leave."

"Steven," Nat reprimanded and asked, "Why would you do that?"

"I don't know," Steve lied. Of course, he knew that his best friend knew he was lying, so Steve admitted, "That little voice in the back of my head said that Bucky deserved to be with someone else... and then it made me push him away before he could leave."

"C'mon, Steve. You're the best person there is, and anyone that you let stay is the luckiest bastard ever. And I know that you don't believe in compatible couples, but I do, and honey, you and Bucky are it."

New tears built in Steve's eyes. Not only from the compliment but from Nattie's confession. Sure, she never hid things from Steve, but to know that she listened to his rants and listened to him cry over former lovers who claimed compatibility and mock the concept entirely all while believing in such a romantic sentiment, herself. Well, that made Steve appreciate her even more than he had before.

"So," Steve sniffled, "Got any idea where he might be?"

"Well, he probably won't go to his family just yet. So, try Lone Wolf," Natasha answered, giving Steve the directions.

"Thanks, Nattie. You're the best," Steve sniffled, emotional all over again.

"Duh," Natasha replied before wishing him luck and hanging up.

Standing, Squirt viciously kicked, and Steve smoothed his hand over the baby's feet as he assured, "I know, bub. Let's hope I didn't lose him."

Making sure he had his license and his phone – and Bucky's, just in case he didn't go home with Steve – Steve headed for the door. With keys in hand, he locked the door. Paranoid, he kept glancing over his shoulder. Truth was, even if Johann hadn't touched him, Steve still would've acted like that. Had something to do with the hindbrain and needing to be aware of surroundings to keep offspring safe.

Rushing as much as he could, Steve followed Natasha's directions. What he found was a bar that looked a little run-down, but still had a whole lot of charm. Steve couldn't help but chuckle to himself because, of course, this would be Bucky's go-to.

Pushing open the heavy door, Steve was glad to see Bucky was, in fact, there. But seeing him sitting at the bar with his face in his hands broke his heart. Especially when Steve knew that it was because of him. That he was the cause of Bucky's pain.

Taking a deep breath, Steve pushed his shoulders back and tried to appear confident. As he started walking towards the bar, he knew that Bucky caught his scent. His frame tensed as he removed his hands from his face. Although he wanted to turn and run away from this moment, Steve pushed forward.

Awkwardly climbing onto the tall barstool beside Bucky, Steve gained the attention of the bartender. "Ginger ale with extra ice, please?"

Nodding, the bartender got Steve's drink ready for him. Turning his attention to Bucky, Steve's heart pounded against his chest and Squirt kicked beneath his ribs. Letting out a deep breath, Steve told Bucky, "I'm sorry. I just... fuck, Bucky, you scare me."

Bucky's expression turned wounded at the confession and Steve quickly amended, "The way I feel about you, scares me."

As Bucky's brows arched high on his forehead, Steve decided to just go for broke and admit everything. "I've never been in a relationship like this before, and it scares me. It terrifies me. The way that you could wake up one morning and decide that this isn't what you want. Or how you could regret Squirt. Regret me... because none of this was planned. And I –" Steve clenched his jaw, begging the tears to disappear. Looking over at Bucky, Steve admitted his biggest truth "– I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Doll," Bucky delicately wiped Steve's escaped tears as he reassured, "Don't think about that because I'm not going anywhere."

"But –"

Bucky kissed him. Just a quick, chaste kiss that calmed Steve's nerves and settled Squirt. Pulling back, Bucky cradled Steve's face in his large hands as he told him, "You're stuck with me. Forever."

Pulling Bucky back in for another sweet kiss, Steve knew that Bucky meant it. It was a promise that Steve felt he could whole heartedly count on. After all, Bucky was a lot of things, but a liar wasn't one of them.

When they broke apart, Steve took a drink of his ginger ale. Bucky crowded into his space. Resting his chin on Steve's slender shoulder, wrapping his arm around Bucky's waist, placing his hands on Squirt. Steve relaxed into the hold. Knowing that Bucky was safe. That Bucky was his. And more startling than that, Steve realized that he was Bucky's. That Steve was still his own person, but his heart was Bucky's.

As they sat there, the jukebox started playing the familiar opening to, Always Be My Baby, and they both knew they couldn't ignore it. It was their song. So, Bucky stood from his stool and helped Steve stand from his. Since it was during the day, there weren't a lot of people occupying the small bar, but as soon as they started dancing, Steve stopped being aware of any of them.

Singing along, Bucky twirled Steve around and out; not caring how much space they used. Spinning him back, Bucky placed his flesh hand on Squirt and took Steve's hand in his prosthetic. Bringing Steve's hand up to his mouth, Bucky pressed a kiss to his palm and sang to Steve, "'Ooh, darling, 'cause you'll always be my baby.'"

And deep down in the marrow of his bones, Steve knew it was true.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now