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Pulling up outside the Barnes' mechanic shop, Steve was surprised to find Bucky sitting on the bench outside. Noticeably not covered in grease – which Steve's leather seats thanked him for. Worrying that he was late though, Steve glanced at the dashboard clock. As he parked, he was about to – well, he wasn't sure what he was about to do, but he didn't have to do anything as Bucky walked over to the passenger door.

Unlocking the door, Steve chewed on his lower lip as he tried not to watch Bucky climb into the Volvo. Once the brunet was situated and closed the door, he looked over at Steve, and Steve couldn't help but look right back at him.

"How was your day?" Bucky asked at the same time that Steve said, "Is the seat hot?"

Both men looked at one another with brows furrowed.

"Fine," Steve shrugged noncommittally while Bucky answered, "A little."

Realizing that they had done it again, both men smiled at each other. Steve pressed his lips together to keep his giggles in and relaxed into the seat as chuckles escaped Bucky. For a moment, the pair just sat there wondering if the other person was going to talk. Both men opening their mouths like they were going to talk, and Bucky pointed for Steve to go first.

Glancing at the dash, Steve gestured to the button closest to the passenger side and clarified, "You can turn it off. I just thought you might not like sitting on a cold leather seat."

"Thanks," Bucky smiled. As he pushed the button to turn the seat heater off and said, "I appreciate it."

Steve's heart stuttered in his chest, and he just knew that his alabaster skin was flushing red all the way to his ears, so he nodded and redirected his attention to the front. As he started backing out of the spot, Steve curiously asked, "How'd you get time off on such short notice?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm really tight with the owners. Almost like their son or something," Bucky teased.

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and good-naturedly scoffed, "Jerk."

Out of the corner of his eyes, Steve could see the grin growing on Bucky's face, and – was it just Steve, or was the air thinner in the vehicle's cab? Making Steve just a little lightheaded the bubblier he felt. It wasn't a feeling Steve was used to feeling. Almost reminded him of the times he drank a couple glasses of champagne. Only this was better, no hangover.

"So," Bucky prompted when Steve stopped at a red light.

"So," Steve repeated, glancing over at the brunet.

"You work with Natasha? At The Met?" Bucky decided on the neutral topic. Steve nodded his confirmation and Bucky joked, "I feel bad for you. I'd never be able to work with her."

Steve chuckled, "She's not so bad. And if I had never met her, we wouldn't have met."

Smiling at Steve, Bucky agreed, "When you put it like that..." Switching up the topic, but staying close to the work topic, Bucky asked, "So, what do you do? Like, what is an art conservator?"

"In the simplest of terms, I preserve art," Steve answered. Feeling Bucky's eyes on him, Steve kept his eyes on the road. "I recently got done with an original Michelangelo drawing. Completely one of a kind. There were light mold spots and this huge crease right down the middle and tears. It was in decent shape, all things considered. But I had to be so careful with it because it was so old, ya know?"

Steve chanced a glance to find the brunet just smiling at him while he listened to him. Realizing that he was rambling, Steve blushed and apologized, "I'm sorry. I was rambling."

"No, it's fine," Bucky assured. A fond grin on his lips, he complimented, "It was cute."

Steve's blush darkened, "Thanks."

"Of course, doll," Bucky shrugged as though it was the easiest thing ever to compliment Steve.

Biting back his grin, Steve was glad that he had the road to focus on and he asked, "Did you always want to be a mechanic?"

"I guess you could say that. When I was a kid, I really wanted to be. Because I wanted to be just like my dad. I even used to beg my parents to take me with them to the shop, so I could learn." Steve's heart constricted at that adorable tidbit, and then Bucky teased, "Then, as a teen I figured out omegas totally dig it."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve laughed, "You're ridiculous."

"Hey, it's true," Bucky pressed his lips together to keep a straight face. Nonchalantly, he continued, "I mean, not everyone can be gorgeous blonds with big blue eyes and heart-stopping smiles."

Pulling into the doctor office parking lot, Steve busied himself with parking and feigning casual, he commented, "I think your clever Halloween costume works just fine."

As Steve cut the engine and unbuckled, he spotted the blush on Bucky's cheeks. A shot of pride caused his chest to clench and his stomach to flutter. He was so damn handsome, and it just wasn't fair. How was anyone supposed to focus on anything else when Bucky was around?

When Bucky kept bashfully smiling at him, Steve finally asked, "What?"

Bucky shook his head, "Nothing. You're just so much cuter in daylight. And I didn't know that was possible considering just how damn cute you were at night."

"God, you're so infuriating," Steve finally said, still smiling all the same. Bucky's brows were furrowed, and Steve clarified, "Too smooth for your own good."

As they walked up to the building, Bucky bumped his shoulder against Steve's. There was a moment where Bucky's right arm twitched like he wanted to wrap it around Steve. And Steve hoped that he would. Chewing on his lower lip, Steve wasn't sure if that was from his nesting hormones wanting to be near his alpha –

His alpha? Steve's eyes widened. These hormones were definitely messing with Steve's omega-mind.

At the door, Bucky held the door open for Steve, like a gentleman. Steve hadn't expected it and he flushed scarlet as he quietly said, "Thank you."

"'Least I could do," Bucky fondly grinned, following Steve into the office.

Tilting his head to the side, Steve gestured for an empty section and lowered his voice, "You take a seat, and I'll sign in."

"Go team," Bucky answered, earning another smile from Steve.

Too cute for his own good.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now