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It was odd how people started to treat Steve after he told his coworkers. Of course, he didn't really need to speak the actual words since his scent had started to change the way an omega's scent did when they became pregnant. Even the people he didn't tell knew just from that alone.

Well, that and the fact that Steve's flat stomach was starting to protrude in the start of his fourth month. Not much. Just poking out around his slack's waistband as though he was bloated.

Now, everyone was treating his differently. The omegas wanted to ask him questions about what it felt like and what name he was thinking of and, Oh my goodness, the baby shower! It was all so overwhelming and reminded Steve that he didn't have a god damn clue what he needed to raise a baby or what he was going to do about Bucky.

While the omegas flittered around excitedly, the alphas kept a safe distance but glanced over protectively every so often. Almost deciding that since Steve's alpha – who was technically not his alpha, but Steve's omega-mind was still choosing to think of him that way – wasn't there, they'd be there for them. Which Steve weirdly appreciated. Even if he'd stubbornly kick anyone's ass, pregnant or not.

"This has got to be the freakiest thing ever," Natasha commented.

"You've already seen it," Steve scoffed.

Laura continued gazing down at the sonogram as she assured, "It's adorable!" Baby talking, "Look at the little body and the tiny hands! Gosh, they're just gonna be so cute!"

"It looks like an alien," Natasha joked.

"Yeah, you're not going to be godmother now," Steve deadpanned.

Passing the picture back to Steve, Laura rubbed Natasha's back. Pretending to be offended, Natasha touched her chest, "Ouch."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and tucked the picture back into his wallet. Laura curiously asked, "Are you having any weird cravings yet?"

"Not really," Steve lamely answered, popping the lid off his lunch container. "At least nothing too bizarre. Like, I'm not having tuna salad sandwiches dipped in chocolate or Cinnamon Toast Crunch in pickle juice. Nothing like that."

Laura giggled at that while Natasha's brows furrowed and she focused on his meal, "Is that buffalo chicken?"

"I love buffalo chicken," Laura commented, dipping a spicy tuna roll into soy sauce.

Quickly chewing the bite from the homemade wrap, he shrugged. Momentarily annoyed with the fetus since, "All I've been craving is buffalo chicken and pepper jack cheese. I'm not going to have any taste buds by the due date."

Smirking, Natasha took a bite of her pasta salad, "That's actually funny."

"Why's that funny?" Laura asked.

Steve rolled his eyes at Natasha and explained to Laura, "I hate spicy foods."

"You hate spicy foods?" Laura's brows quirked as she dipped the rest of the role in the sauce.

Nodding, Steve took another bite. Hating it all the more with that reminder. Adding, "I even bought a jar of maraschino cherries."

"Whoa," Natasha mocked.

Throwing a piece of cauliflower at the redhead, Steve said, "I thought people were supposed to be nice when you're pregnant."

"Laura's being nice," Natasha gestured towards their brunette friend, "I'm trying to balance it out. After all, we don't want you to get a big head."

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now