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After all the hugs and kisses and loving farewells, Steve and Bucky finally exited the Barnes family home. Half using the excuse that the walk was slick and half allowing himself to be clingy, Steve held Bucky's arm for balance and comfort. Not that Bucky minded.

Perhaps that was why Steve was able to find the courage so easily to ask, "Stay at mine? I even promise not to hog all the blankets."

"Oh," Bucky tensed, not looking at Steve, "Um."

Panicking, Steve backtracked, "I mean, you don't have to. I just thought that... that, um..."

"No, it's not that I don't want to," Bucky assured. Opening the passenger door for Steve, he explained, "It's just that my cat will eat through a large bowl of food in two days, so I need to feed them and make sure that they have water and stuff."

Smiling, Steve asked, "You have a cat?"

"Yup," Bucky grinned, making sure that it was safe before closing the door. Steve buckled his seatbelt as Bucky finally climbed in behind the steering wheel. Suddenly thinking of something, Bucky turned to Steve with wide eyes, "You're not allergic to cats, right?"

"I'm not allergic to cats," Steve confirmed.

Bucky visibly eased as he said, "Good. That would've sucked if you were."

"Oh, yeah?" Steve quirked a brow as a smirk tugged at his lips, "And why's that?"

A blush colored Bucky's alabaster cheeks and the tips of his ears as he fumbled, "Uh, I mean, um. With the baby... and everything... it'd suck. Ya know? Because the cat's fur and, uh, stuff. It would... just... suck."

"Right," Steve forced a chuckle. Awkwardly, Steve lamely joked, "For a moment, I thought that you were suggesting we move in together."

"Ha," Bucky clumsily forced out as he pulled out into the street.

For a while, the pair just sat there silently. The only sound was from the radio with the low musings of Mariah Carey. Both men nodded their heads to the familiar beat. Steve wanted to sing along the way he would if he was alone. Only, he wasn't alone, and he wasn't a very good singer whether by himself or not. So, Steve held back.

Bucky didn't have the same reservations. Loudly and out of tune, the brunet confidently sang. The nostalgia of the 90s hit makes the moment feel nostalgic too.

Pausing his singing, Bucky nudged Steve's knobby knee, "C'mon. I know you know this song."

Biting back his grin, Steve covered his face before joining in. Bucky had a smile on his face as he took Steve's hand in his. Lacing their fingers, he started moving Steve's hand from side-to-side. Steve couldn't do anything but laugh. When Bucky smiled over at him, Steve melted.

Even though Steve had heard the song hundreds of times before, he couldn't help but feel it differently just then. And he knew that it was definitely the Bucky of it all. Striking a chord deep inside of him.

Not having the same moment that Steve was, Bucky lifted his hand and pressed a soft kiss there.

Relaxing in his seat, Steve couldn't help but smile at the alpha. Sure, it wasn't the fairytale that Steve always envisioned. But that didn't make it any less special. Didn't make Bucky any less perfect.

The pair continued holding hands even after the song ended and Steve knew that he should remove his. After all, he didn't want to lead Bucky on. Which was what it kind of felt like. Even if there was that little voice encouraging him to be as close to Bucky as possible. That little voice suggesting they move in together and to live happily ever after.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now