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Steve wasn't sure what he wanted for his birth plan. It was supposed to communicate his goals and wishes when he went into labor and delivery. And Steve wasn't sure what he should do. What he wanted to.

Some other omega parents gave some unsolicited advice. Suggesting he go the natural route and do Lamaze instead of getting an epidural. Meanwhile, others said that epidurals were life-savers and he'd regret it if he didn't get one. Leaving Steve in a difficult predicament.

Even his sorta in-laws weren't much help. Silas never having given birth as an alpha man, and Dum Dum giving birth for the first time over a decade ago. Those two were the only ones that Steve felt like asking, since Tibby said she'd have a hundred more, Becca was an alpha, and Mandy was completely off limits since she was still bitter about her unbonding and divorce. Not that Steve could blame her though.

Online wasn't much better with so many arguments and different sets of advice. All of it so contradictory to the other. So, Steve was still stuck on the first step.

"Why don't you just check out Lamaze to see if it's something you wanna do?" Natasha suggested over lunch.

"The only classes I can find are while Bucky is at work," Steve heavily sighed, feeling like a migraine was about to come on. "And since he already cuts out early for my appointments, I don't want him to miss any more work."

"So, why don't you find someone else to go with you?"

"Like who? You?" Steve quirked a brow at her.

Natasha pursed her lips as she thought, then shrugged, "Sure."

"Sure?" Steve's brows furrowed.

"Yeah," Natasha took a bite of her salad, "It's not like I have anything else to do after work."

"Glad to know you care about your god child," Steve rolled his eyes.

"Fine, if not me, then ask Laura. Or Sam? He might be available."

"Sam's in the middle of his newest novel, and Laura broke her leg, I can't ask her," Steve clarified. Then, teasing, "So, I guess I'm stuck with you."

"Glad to know you care about your child's godmother," Natasha mocked.

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes. When their lunch break was over, Steve packed up his baby books and hoped the rest of the day didn't take too long. Feeling a little excited about going to the class. If only to figure out if it was for him or not. Especially since Steve liked to make informed decisions when it came to his health, and now, his son's health too.

Having to take more breaks than he used to, Steve knew that he'd be starting paternity leave sooner rather than later, but he wanted to hold out for as long as he could. He loved his job. He loved the art and preserving the art. So, whenever he got nauseous from the cleaning solutions and had to pull back from the art, take a few deep breaths before practically holding his breath when he returned to the item he was cleaning.

Even though he loved his work and would miss it once he was on leave, he couldn't help but be thankful when the day was over. And while Steve would've liked Bucky to be the one going to the Lamaze class with him, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little happy that Natasha was going with him.

She was his best friend, after all.

After changing into comfier clothing, the pair headed for the hospital where the class was taking place. They were some of the last people to join, so they quietly took a seat at the back of the room near the doors.

"If you hate it, we can just slip out the back," Natasha whispered.

"Shh," Steve shushed his friend even though a smirk was tugging at his lips.

"The Lamaze method prepares omegas for safe, healthy childbirth by building confidence, teaching childbirth coping mechanisms, and can serve as an alternative to medical intervention," the instructor explained.

Chewing on his lower lip, Steve wondered if he'd even remember half the stuff this class could teach him. After all, he'll probably be stressed as all hell when the time comes, so will he even be able to practice the techniques and coping mechanisms?

"The idea is that when breathing becomes the focus, other sensations – such as labor pain – can be pushed aside to the outer edge of awareness." The older omega smiled as she looked around the room, "And conscious breathing is a useful labor tool that keeps you and your baby well oxygenated."

"No, you don't say," Natasha quietly teased.

Beside her, Steve elbowed her, but tried to keep as much focus as he could on the woman in the front of the room. Not only because his mother would've scolded him for being rude, but because he wanted to give this a try. At the very least, of course.

"Now, let's get started."

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now