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Even after a second helping, Steve was still hungry. Which was ridiculous! Normally, Steve got full after the first helping, and was fine with that. But now he wanted to devour the whole brisket by himself. Especially since it was all so good. Winifred Barnes was definitely an amazing cook.

"Well, how was it?" Winifred asked Steve. Before he could even answer, she offered, "I'll give you the recipe. It's super easy."

"Oh, thank you," Steve nodded, wiping his mouth with his napkin, "It was delicious. Really."

Winifred's grin grew, "Great!"

As she left the table, Bucky leaned over and lowered his voice, "Did you really like it? Because you don't have to say you do, if you don't. Especially since she'll keep cooking it for you until you tell her to stop."

Rolling his eyes, Steve playfully elbowed him, "No, I really like it. It was good." Giving Bucky's plate a glance, his mouth started watering, "Are you going to finish that?"

"Nope," Bucky cheerfully slid his plate closer to Steve, "I'm saving room for those cookies you made."

"Didn't you have enough before we left?" Steve teased as he started cutting the tender slice of the spicy, smoked meat.

Resting his head on his hand, Bucky fondly admitted, "I don't think I'll ever get enough."

Steve paused his chewing. Positive that they weren't talking about the cookies anymore. Of course, that could've just been where his mind was going in the moment. Especially after spending the afternoon with the Barnes family. But Steve imagined that anyone would go there after spending time with them.

But with the way that Bucky was looking at him, Steve knew that it wasn't just in his mind.

Feeling his cheeks heat, Steve averted his gaze to his plate. To make sure he wouldn't say anything stupid, Steve shoveled food into his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye, Steve could see that Bucky was still watching him with that same fond, dopey grin that he seemed to always be giving him.

"Here you go, sweetie," Winifred returned with the recipe on a floral recipe card.

Trying to chew the food he just shoved into his mouth, Steve was glad when Bucky said, "Thanks, ma."

Steve nodded and forcefully swallowed, so he could add, "Thank you, Mrs. Barnes."

"Oh, sweetie," Winifred laughed and corrected, "Please, we're family now. Call me, Winnie."

"Winnie," Steve started tearing up again. Bucky reached over and gave his thigh a soothing squeeze. Clearing his throat, he repeated, "Thank you."

Winnie kindly grinned down at him before crossing the open area for the living room. Joining the grandparents, her mate, and their granddaughters as they watched some kid show that had George and Nana Bella entirely confused. From what Steve heard from the TV, he was confused, himself.

"Okay," Mandy said around a mouthful of snickerdoodle. Once she gained Steve's attention, she pointed at him, "You and I are eloping. I hope you've got rings."

Steve chuckled and held up a hand to shield his mouth since he was still chewing, "What do I get out of this marriage?"

Mandy thought for a moment, finishing off the cookie. When she came up with something, she clapped her hands, "I don't snore. Unlike your current Barnes choice."

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now