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Steve played his card and called out, "Uno!"

"Damn it, Steve!" Bucky drew four cards.

Covering his mouth, Steve tried to muffle his laughter, but he couldn't help it. It was the third time that Steve had used a Draw Four, and even after they had to shuffle the deck to continue the game, Steve had been gifted with drawing two more Draw Four cards. So, now he was just waiting to use the last one.

Even if Bucky was easily holding a hand of eleven cards, Steve couldn't feel bad about using those specific cards.

"You're lucky you're cute," Bucky quietly teased, so only Steve could hear. Not like it would've made a difference since Bucky's sisters and their spouses were teasing him while his parents laughed, and the grandparents fussed over the kids that had come to see what all the commotion was about.

As Steve waited for his turn, he rested his head on Bucky's shoulder. Only moving when Bucky wrapped his arm around him. Steve didn't miss the way that Becca and Winifred looked over at them while bubbe winked at him. The first time that it had happened, Steve was nervous and quickly pulled away. And although the butterflies in his stomach still fluttered around, the pregnancy hormones wanted him close to Bucky. Especially with how many people were around.

Tibby was rocking her infant daughter and warned Mandy, "Don't even think about it."

"Think about what?" Mandy feigned innocence as she played her card.

"You bitch," Tibby commented as she situated Lucy, so she could lean forward and draw four cards.

Giggling, Steve turned into Bucky to hide his laughter. Not that it worked as Tibby teased, "What's so funny, Steve?" Which only made him laugh more. Especially when Tibby suggested, "Steve and Mandy aren't allowed to play anymore."

"Why? Because we're too good?" Mandy scoffed, bouncing her toddler, Gracie, on her knee.

Removing his face from Bucky's shoulder, Steve pressed his lips together to muffle any further laughter. Especially when it finally reached Dum Dum and Becca playfully threatened, "If you don't make Steve draw some cards, I'm divorcing you."

It must've been a common threat seeing as Dum Dum rolled his eyes, just like their pre-teen middle child, Camila, did as she stood in between Dum Dum and Steve. Just like their recently turned thirteen year old daughter, Violet, across the table did as she reached for some pretzels.

Sighing, Dum Dum placed a red eight on the deck and apologized to his wife, "I don't have any draw cards."

And just like that, Steve laid down his Draw Four card down and held his hands up to show that he didn't have any cards left. The rest of the players tossed their cards down on the table and started arguing about how some people – Mandy and Steve – were ruthless.

Meanwhile Winifred stood from the table, "Who's hungry?"

"Definitely me," George happily answered, "I've been daydreaming about this brisket all day."

Shaking her head, Winifred casually marked her omega's shoulder as she kissed his forehead. Steve couldn't help but note how affectionate the pair was. How affectionate they all were. Even little Sadie climbed onto Steve's lap.

For a moment, Steve just looked around, confused. Sure, he loved kids, but he didn't spend a lot of time around them. The most time that he spent around kids was when he hung out with Sam, his mate, and their kids. And their kids were pre-teens now.

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now