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The plan came to Steve through the night. After keeping the sex of Squirt to themselves for a total of – Steve glanced at the clock – forty-eight hours, give or take – Steve needed to tell someone. Anyone. Everyone. But especially his pseudo-in-laws. That he would be seeing later. That had invited him to their Passover dinner.

Not getting a wink of sleep from Squirt's flutters and the nerves for that night, Steve forced himself out of bed. Figuring that his time was better sent working on the dessert he was bringing than grinding about Bucky's cock and riding him until sunrise.

Shaking his head, Steve fought his hormones and forced himself out of bed. Heading for the kitchen and – as quietly as possible – started gathering everything he would need. Thankful that he was able to find some kosher recipes. Especially ones that sounded particularly delicious and he could use as a makeshift gender reveal cake.

Sure, the recipe claimed that it was only supposed to take forty minutes. But Steve needed something to do. His mind brought him back to Bucky's coc–

Shaking his head, Steve knew that he needed something specific to do. So, he went through the recipe step-by-step. Starting with the mouse, since that was what the website suggested. Biting his lip, he read the instruction: place strawberries in blender or food processor fitted with a metal blade.

Giving the closed bedroom door a glance, Steve decided that since the strawberries weren't frozen, it wouldn't take too long to puree them. Hopefully.

As Steve stood there watching the food processor, he kept glancing to the clock and then to the bedroom door. Reminding himself that every tick of the hands meant more of the mush. Even once the strawberries were finished, he still glanced over his shoulder, worried that he woke Bucky up.

Luckily, Bucky remained in their bedroom until Steve had finished the gender reveal roll and was chilling in the fridge, one pistachio cake rolled up in a towel while it cooled, another one in the oven, and was pouring a third into a jelly-roll pan. Steve was so busy that he almost missed Bucky. Even though he wasn't sure how he could overlook that morning alpha musk. That alluring –

"Well, you've been busy," Bucky greeted.

Holding up one hand to stop Bucky's movements, Steve warned, "Don't come any closer. I'm on a role and I don't need you distracting me."

Scent turning smug, Bucky quirked a brow, "I distract you?"

"Yes. And I'm in the zone right now. So, please, stay over there."

"Can you start the coffee for me then?" Bucky asked, exaggerating a pouty lip, "Please?"

Rolling his eyes – despite smiling – Steve dramatically sighed, "I suppose."

"Thanks, doll," Bucky winked, taking a seat at the island.

Once the batter for the third cake roll was in the pan, Steve set the mixing bowl down, and walked over to the coffee maker. "Mug or pot?"

"Mmm," Bucky hummed as he thought, "Let's go with the whole pot."

Nodding, Steve reached up into the cabinet, asking, "What kind?"

"Ya know, I'm craving apple pie."

Turning, Steve narrowed his eyes at the smug alpha. Even though he knew what Bucky was talking about, he still asked, "What're you getting at, Barnes?"

About Last Night: Green Series 1 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky MPreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now